Chapter 10-The Sudden Outbreak Part 6

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Hi!I wanted to know how many people like my story.I know that my story wouldn't be so popular but I want to know how many like this story.Be honest. Tell me what you think about this story.Here's the next chapter!Hope you like it!

Shirayuki(Shirohime) POV

"Emaleon?!"Ellion and I shouted.

"Yes. Is there a problem?" Shinku asked.

"Yay! Uncle Emaleon is going to play with me and onee-chan again!" A girl that resembles Ellion and me, wearing a black-coloured dress said.

"Ruiko!" Ellion and  I shouted.

"Papa!Mama! Ruiko passed though a rainbow-coloured slide with onee-chan!" She said.

"The slide was sparkly and colourful!" A girl that also resembles Ellion and me but just wearing a white-coloured dress said.

"Rumiko and Ruiko! What are you two doing here?" I asked.

"We followed Aunt Shinku. She said she is going to take us to somewhere fun."Rumiko answered.

"Okay then. Let's go to my dimension. It seems like Emaleon is still there." I said.

"Erm...Shiro-onee-sama?" Shinku said.

"Yes,Shinku?Do you have something to ask?" I said.

"Erm..can I talk to you about something?"She said as she pulled me to the woods. When we went in the woods,I asked,"Shinku?What do you have to talk to me about?"

"Erm..Shiro-onee-sama.Are you a ...?" she asked. After a while, we came out of the woods and led the group into the portal that I summoned. Outside the portal was a disaster.  The castle of white was near to collapsing. "What in the world....why is it that only the Kingdom of White that is collapsing...the Kingdom of Black is together with it and yet it's only the white that's collapsing..." Kurohime muttered as a dark shadow of the man came towards us.

Well,what do we have here? What do you think about the qns what Shinku is going to ask Shirohime? Anyway, my mum (finally) knew about this story and she let me have continue writing this story on my brother's computer.(Of course she cannot let me get back my devices)  I think I'll be updating faster as usual as I really need to write my imagination down and I'm typing on a computer.(I usually use my phone.)

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