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Jack dropped me off back home, but of course, not without a kiss. Every time I kiss him I feel electricity throughout my body.

Now, all I can think about is what brother and that chick said.

I woke up to my alarm sounding, I look up and again, it's 7am,

I take the quickest shower I have ever taken and towel dry my hair, leaving it a bit damp. I slip on a white V-neck some leggings, and a navy sweater.

I take my grandmothers golden heart locket and some diamond earrings.

I still have my nails a nude colour. I take my Black Toms and slip them on, running down the stairs. Now I wait.

Scrambling through the pantry I find two bowls and our favourite cereal, then pour some milk and set them at the island.

As soon as I start eating my cereal My brother comes stumbling down the stairs and takes a seat right beside me, eating his cereal.

"So about what you said" I start. "What's with jack?" I quietly question.

"Do you really want to know?" He asks, giving me a look.

I think about it for a second, before nodding.

"I heard that he uses girls, Faith. I heard that he used to get girls drunk and take advantage of them, when they couldn't comprehend what they were doing." He says, walking to the counter and putting his dish in the sink.

"When did you hear this?" I ask. My voice cracking.

"I don't know, Faith. It's just been going around, that's all" he gives me a sympathetic smile.

He comes around the island and gives me a hug. Whispering "Be safe ,okay?" In my hair.

I nod in response.

He let's go and picks up his backpack, walking out of the door and moments later, I hear his car door shut.

Where is he going though?

I hear a knock from the door. I grab my books and my purse, walking to the door and opening it, revealing a smiling Jack.

I close the door behind me, taking his hand and walking to his truck.

When we hop in I take a nervous glance at Jack.

"What's wrong?" I hear his voice. I look over to see him staring intently at the road. Holding my hand over the centre council.

I un- attach our hands, fiddling with the hem of my shirt.

He looks over at me with concern.

"Jack is it true?" I ask softly, looking nervously over at Jack.

"Is what true?" He asks, directing his gaze at me for a second, then back on the road.

"That you use girls" I nervously stutter out.

He lets out a sigh.

"That was before" he nervously looks at me.

I nod, again, fiddling with my fingers.

He pulls over, grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"I won't hurt you" he looks into my eyes, with a serious look, swirling around them.

I nod, a tear forming In my eye. Just thinking about if he was using me.

He unbuckles his seatbelt, climbing out of his truck and over to my side. I close my eyes, trying not to let the tears escape.

My door opens and my seatbelt is unbuckled. I feel two strong hands grab my hips and turn me to the side.

"Hey" his soft voice spoke, cracking.

My gaze is directed towards him, looking straight into his brown ones.

"I'm going to be honest with you, Faith. That was the old me, but I have changed." He says, grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it. My cheeks flush a light shade of pink before I look at my surroundings. School.

I look down at Jack, smiling. He takes his thumb and delicately wipes away my tears. I smile at him, and pull his face in. I lean down and he stands on his tip-toes. Our lips meet and my whole body just feels jittery. I smile into the Kiss, running my fingers through his hair, when we were rudely interrupted by the bell, splitting away from each other. Soon, we both burst out laughing, his angelic laugh ringing in my ears.

I smile, as he helps me hop down from his truck, then grabbing my bags and purse. We walk, hand in hand throughout the hallways. Earning whispers and bad looks.

We walk to first class together, then for second we have to split. Then third we're together and we also have lunch together. I have my fourth and fifth with Jack, but my last class alone.

Jack and I split when we have to, and meet up at lunch, then walk to class together. The day went pretty Quickly. But I dreaded my last class.

I walk into the change rooms and change into my spandex shorts and a grey V-neck, some blue runners and pull my hair up into a pony tail.

When I walk into the gym, all the girls are doing tumbling and the guys are just in the workout rooms. I guess today is our free day.

I grab my phone and headphones, playing some music and sticking it in my sports bra.

I just start warming up with some stretches, followed by some push-ups and sit-ups. I start some round-offs and cart wheels.

When I get comfortable I pull out some matts and walk out, halfway back the gym. I take a running start into doing my Front Hand Spring. I land it on an angle, but overall it was almost perfect.

I hear nothing but my music, and the adrenaline in my veins when I do a Back Hand Spring. This time, I land it perfectly. I hear numerous claps and cheers. I slowly take my headphones out, looking around the gym.

I see Jack standing in the doorway, clapping with a smile on his face. I look around me, even more applause.

My cheeks turn a light shade of pink. I quickly put the matts away. I hear the bell ring while I'm inside of the equipment room. I walk out, grabbing my phone. When I turn to look at the door I see that same blonde chick from the movies. I roll my eyes and smile when I see Jack looking at me with pleading eyes. Then, let out a laugh, going to save him.

I give the blonde a tap on the shoulder. "Oh yeah, hey. Would you mind leaving?" I say politely.

She gives me a glare before leaving. I suddenly let out a huge laugh.

Before we leave, I grab my bag and don't even bother to change.

I just change my shoes and race out the door to find Jack.

I spot the boy with the dark hair but, he's pinning a girl up against the car. Kissing her.

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