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mama.uchiha: look how cute they look together! Honey, where's my camera? Oh wait... ;)

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sakuraharuno_328: Mrs. Uchiha did you have to post such a bad photo of me T-T

mama.uchiha: @sakuraharuno_328 oh shush child you look adorable 

believe_it!: @sakuraharuno_328 @sasuke_uchiha_23 Y'all remember when we got those matching hooodies?

 sasuke_uchiha_23: @believe_it! never happened 

sakuraharuno_328: @sasuke_uchiha_23 don't be a tsundere sasuke, just admit that you're a softie who gets matching hoodies with his best friends 

sasuke_uchiha_23: @sakuraharuno_328 @believe_it!  who are you two again

believe_it!: @sakuraharuno_328 @sasuke_uchiha_23  oh 💔

sakuraharuno_328: @believe_it!  I think we've been disowned 

flower_princess9: Sasuke with his hair up though? Like 😍

tenny_boo: aww sak looks so cute in this photo

hyuga_heiress: @tenny_boo ikr? precious ❤️

windy_bossbitch: lol this made gaara so jealous 

sandman_19: @windy_bossbitch I am not 

mama.uchiha: @sandman_19  you should be mr.sabaku. After all, Sakura's going to be my daughter-in-law one way or another 

redeyeraven: @mama.uchiha  that can be arranged

troublesome1234:... did they just- did he just-?

flower_princess9: @mama.uchiha on one condition, I'M the maid of honor 

pale_artist1: @flower_princess9 don't just sell off ugly like that

believe_it!: @redeyeraven  the only bastard Uchiha that I'll let marry sakura is sasuke-teme, so promptly back up you weasel asshole

sasuke_uchiha_23: @believe_it!  shut up you moron

paper_girl: @believe_it! don't be ridiculous. she's not marrying any of those horrible Uchiha. She'll obviously be marrying Pein and become my sister-in-law 

pein_almighty: @paper_girl  I can speak for myself, Konan. But yes. 

sandman_19: @pein_almighty  no. 

tenny_boo: oh shIT

flower_princess9: if only I had this many men fighting over me like that *sigh*

tsunadesenju: I speak on behalf of sakura when I say she is too young to get married and none of you deserve her, good bye. 🔪

lordjashin: that bitch may look cute in that hoodie, but I bet she'd look way hotter without it and anything else 🤤

tsunadesenju: @lordjashin I will fucking kill you

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