Chapter Four ~ Concentrate ~

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You were of two emotions: nervous and excited. You'd never actually done this with any of your previous patients before at work but nevertheless, you were doing it now. Granted you were a little nervous about keeping them all contained, but for this day's activity, you were merely going to get to know the patients better (plus their relationships with each other). Of course, free time such as this only happened every other day or so (you still weren't exactly sure on this. Was it every other day? Once, twice, three times a week? You'd have to check your schedule). But regardless, you already had some plans for what you wanted to do with the boys. Maybe some baking? You knew Ludwig would enjoy that whole heartedly. And they all had individual meals they liked or treats, so why not make them sometime? It'd be nice for them, plus a subtle bonding experience with everyone. Then again, you didn't know what your other patients you hadn't met yet would be like... but it was a nice idea regardless.

You had already set up a round table in the commons, chairs for each centered around it. You flipped through your recent notes you'd just taken on Matt and Al. Both sweethearts but dramatically different in personality...

"Miss (Y/n)!" A familiar loud blonde's voice sounded through the room, making some other people at nearby tables jolt or turn heads. The nurse that was taking Al to you put a gentle hand on his shoulder, more than likely telling him to be mindful of his noise level here. But it didn't seem like he'd payed too much attention to her, because he had already picked up his walking pace as soon as her hands left him. "How's it going? Who's all joining?" He blurred out as he quickly grabbed a chair, directly across from you.

You smiled, sitting up more in your chair as you have the kind nurse a thumbs up. "Oh, well pretty good. And I suppose that'll just be a surprise, won't it?" You grinned at his reaction as he groaned. "What?! Oh come on-"

You held back a laugh, putting your finger to your lips as a sign to lower his voice. The place had been so docile and calm before Al had barged in and you could already tell the excited man was going to be a hand full.

Before Al could even beg you to just cough up the other visitors, a sudden soft spoken Matthew arrived, rubbing his arm nervously as he scanned the room with his escort nurse. Al watched as he followed your happy gaze. "Oh, Matthew!" You waved your hand, beckoning and calling him over. He caught your eyes, smiling shyly and shuffling towards the table, glancing over at Alfred as he did. "Oh, hi Al." He said quietly. Al grinned, giving a big wave in reply. "Hey brother, how's it been?" You blinked, watching as Matthew sat down shyly next to you, adjusting his chair as he did. "Okay, and you?" You stared. Were these two... brothers? But Al's last name was Jones and Matthew's last na-

"Yeah, I know, we're pretty different aren't we from being twins?" Al suddenly blurred out. For being such a boisterous and loud person, Al wasn't dumb. He could almost always tell what you were thinking. "You two are ... twins?" You said slowly. "Yup!" At this Al punched Matt in the arm with a thunk. Matt flinched making you scold Al. "Al, you know not to do that- and that's so strange I was never told-"

"Well, we each took different last names from our families." Al explained. Matt rubbed his arm sheepishly as he glanced over at you with a small smile. "Yeah, we're nothing alike. Thank god, right?" You felt a smile crack across your face at Matt's comment, watching as it flew right over Al's head because of his insistent racing mind. "No, not at all..." Matt smiled as he watched your amusement. He opened his mouth, about to say something else when a sudden arrival interrupted him.

"Wait a minute- no way." Al groaned out with a irritated face as Arthur sat down beside you, already glaring at Al. "Of all the bastards in this place I get stuck with you." Arthur murmured, making you interrupt before something could go wrong. "Now, now, don't start this off negatively." You broke in, catching the attention of both. "You should've told me this dumb ass was going to make a entrance so I wouldn't come." Arthur sneered, watching as he tried to get a reaction out of the already tensed up Al. You felt your palms get sweaty as you watched the tension unfold and your grip on the situation suddenly become compromised. God damn it Arthur! Why did you have to be such a prick sometimes!?

Mentally and Physically ~ Yandere!Hetalia x Therapist!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now