Chapter Five ~ A Sunny Day ~

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Your morning had gone much better than yesterday, much better. You not only had time to do your makeup and hair well, but had no interference from the weather either. Maybe you were finally catching a break for a bit...

Glancing down at the papers you held, you began your walk towards patient number one's room, Feliciano. As you headed towards his room, your gaze followed down the list: Francis, then finally Ivan. Would these two be trouble? You haven't exactly heard the best of things about them, but maybe Feliciano would give a slight push into their troubles, a sort of kick off for you day? You hoped so at least.

Upon finally arriving at said man's door, you knocked twice, bringing out the card key you held and hearing the familiar click of acceptance as the door unlocked. "Feliciano? May I come in?-"

Before you could barely finish you sentence a soft and cheery yell from inside responded with a "Ah! Sí! Come on in!" You felt a smile creep on your face from the heavy Italian accent he bore and made your way inside.

The room had light pouring in from outside, the curtains drawn all the way back. You glanced about the room in amusement when the man himself came up to you, smiling cheerfully and giving a quick wave of the hand as a greeting. "Oh hello! You must be the new one, correct?" You blinked a few times. "Your new therapist? Yes, I am-"

"Pleasure to meet you, Bella!" A sudden hug was delivered to you, making your eyes widen. But before you could even properly respond, he had shrunk away again, that grin still plastered on his face. "And the same for you!" You said with a light laugh, quickly finding a seat on a stool nearby. His room had a more carefree feel to it than the others you'd been in... maybe it was just his character...

You glanced outside, noticing something you didn't expect to see: a bird feeder and dozens of birds flying about.

"Do you ... like bird watching?" You inquired, watching the flitting wings of yellow canaries and brilliant red cardinals stake out their share. "You could say that, I guess." Feliciano said with a shrug as he sat on his bed. "There isn't a whole lot of things to do otherwise." At this he cast a grin towards you, making you grin right back. But it was weary. Sad, almost.

"It can get like that sometimes... but hey I might as well introduce myself," you said, quickly changing the topic. "The name is (Y/n) (L/n)." You held out your hand as you said it, Feliciano shaking it with a strong, warm hand, his strange curl bobbing as he shook it.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/n)!" He said with his ever present smile. "You can just call me Feli, Feliciano can be a mouth full." You smiled at this, thanking god above that he'd noticed. It's not that you had anything wrong with his name- it was very beautiful. It's just that every time you addressed him... you didn't want to make a mistake and embarrass yourself or him.

"Well, Feli, I suppose we should get to know each other, huh?" You started, setting your clipboard and folders on the desk behind you. "I would be delighted to with such a beauty as you!" Feli all but said, completely willing and seemingly entertained by the notion. You felt yourself laugh before you could contain it, quickly muttering out an embarrassed thank you. His behavior had a striking resemblance to Alfred.... and you didn't know if you liked it or not. Was something bad going to happen... just like it did with Alfred? You prayed it wouldn't.

The two of you talked for quite some time, about the weather, about his favorite game, food (spaghetti, naturally), animal, color, practically any other basic question you could think of. And of course he asked the same in return, without you even telling him he could. It was a weight off of your shoulders and a revealing piece of Feli's character too. He was ambitious, something that also seemed awfully like Al's personality. But unlike Al, Feli wasn't overbearing. He was kind, joyous and always one that gave off the feeling of trying to please you. Alfred was just.... well Alfred you supposed. Maybe you shouldn't make such quick judgements? After all, there's only been a few meetings... no not even that. One meeting. But that was beside the point. The point was that Feliciano was... pleasant to be around. He was the good parts of both Matthew and Alfred, and it made his not just easy to deal with, but compatible to you as well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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