Who jumps in the pile of leaves with you

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It's 12 where I am so I'm gonna post it now.

Aries: Lulu

Aquarius: Liu

Sagittarius: Smile dog

Scorpio: Jane

Leo: Nina

Libra: Bloody Painter

Capricorn: Sally

Cancer: Ben

Virgo: Toby

Pisces: Jeff

Gemini: Clockwork

Taurus: Liu


I want to post this now before I plan on making a delay. My children stay strong through everything. Literally like ten mins ago I just got into a fight with a friend from over 9 years. I don't want to explain. She blocked me, I would sort things out cause earlier that day I fixed a problem with someone. This is like a repeating thing. People want me to fix it but I never get credit. Stay strong. I thought I'd put my last patient to this chapter before going to bed. I care about you guys way more then my now ex friend. I love you all. Enjoy your night/day or whenever you are reading this. For whoever is reading this I love you. You support me more then asked.❤️💞

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