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I could hear Ilsen long before I could see him. In the closed setting of the family home, he could refer to me by my name but there were times when he was in such a fluster that he'd forget.

The calling out of your highness, the heavy panting of his flustered breath and the thumping of his boots as he ran through the long corridor was loud. Alaric looked at me with distaste but said nothing.

Ilsen burst into the throne room, realizing that we weren't alone. He skidded on the tiled floor, his chest still heaving from running here.

"Uh, good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, your Highness," Ilsen said with a slight bow.

Alaric nodded his head, Ilsen approached.

His breathing was still ragged but settling now that he was walking to the low stage.

"What's the matter Ilsen?"

"Your Highness, forgive me. I forgot that you were entertaining guests. What I have needs to be discussed in private."

His eyes darted to me, with his back to the crowd, Ilsen knew that they wouldn't see it.

"Of course. We will join you in our private parlor soon."

"Very good, your Highness."

Ilsen turned, glancing at Alaric again as he stopped.

"And the team, your Highness?"

Alaric smiled softly.

"Yes, Ilsen. Have Nisha and Silas join us please."

"Of course, your Highness."

Ilsen walked away, weaving through the crowd and leaving me with a burning curiosity as to what was so important that he was in such a fluster. I looked at Alaric and like me, he had a bemused look on his face.

With everything back to normal, Alaric gestured for the next guest to approach.

"Thank you for considering our charity."

"Of course. What does your charity do?"

"We are a not for profit adoption agency and orphanage."

Alaric looked at me, almost saying that he was ready to throw money at them.

"As you can imagine, raising a child is incredibly expensive. Adoption rates are low and when we do manage to find a couple to take a child, the money they pay barely covers what we have spent on the child. We have tried to ask for more but the people in this city can't afford it. If we push the amount too high, they won't take the children. Everything that we have, it has come through fundraising and donations. We are not opposed to standing on the street and beg for money but if we had the grant money then we might only have to do it in the warmer months rather than every night."

They were on the cold streets of a night, begging for money just to raise the children that were abandoned or had lost their family.

She handed a folder to Alaric, an attempt to pull at our heartstrings. It worked. He opened the book and the past came flooding back. Happy children with dirty faces. They had smiles on their faces but I could see the suffering in their eyes. If they were like me, they probably couldn't understand why no one wanted them.

My throat was thick as I gulped. Pressing a smile out, I looked at the ever-hopeful woman.

"How many children do you have at the orphanage?"

"Five, two boys and three girls. Aged between one and twelve."

"All vampires, I take it?"

Crimson Flame ~ Book 1 - The Royal Blood CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now