1::18 ☆

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'I miss my daddy.'
(Since I love my readers, this chapter doesn't ends here. The next chapter is practically the second part of this chapter. Let courtesy kill the cat. Lmao)

I woke up due to the sun rising. I stretched out and let out a yawn. I wonder if daddy's still awake, he doesn't sleeps until very long. I glanced over the wall clock, where the red digits flashed 11:23 am.

I smiled just thinking about him. I think I'm falling for him, and I should tell him to hold me, or I'll hit the ground hard. I looked down at myself, just daddy's shirt and my panties.

I should tell him, that I love him. I shook my head. I'll tell him on my birthday, which is about a week later.

That would be cool. The smile never left my face, as I dressed up. Daddy used to dress me, but I guess it won't angry him, plus I am in a mood to get spanked. It makes the tingly feeling come back.

I brushed my hairs and smiled when they were perfectly tied into a purple bow. Daddy told me his favourite colour was purple, its since then I don't like pink.
Just like daddy says,
'Some changes are good.'

Oh God, I'm so obsessed with him. I slipped my feet into daddy's slippers. God they are too huge!
I gasped at how good they felt, not caring whether they were shoes I wanted to kiss them. I can't wait to say good morning to daddy.

I opened the door and pushed the urge to run, away. Oh god I want to see daddy and plant kisses all over his face.

I said good morning to Hebrew in the way, but he stopped me. Come on old man, I miss my daddy.

"Ma'am you can't meet Mr.Bieber right now." Hebrew spoke. "He feels a little fever, and sick. He doesn't want you to meet him, or you'll get it."

Oh God.

"But I can just say good morning, right?" I pouted. "I might even help daddy get better."

"I'm afraid not so." He said, sadly. "These are the orders Miss.Madison."

I nodded, but I wasn't completely agreed with it. I refused his offer for breakfast and went to my room, and locked myself in.

I wanted to cry, but daddy will not like this if I do it. He might even get angry.
With every moment that that was passing by, I was getting hungrier and was feeling neglected, but I hope daddy doesn't knows it, he gets really emotional when I feel that way.

I cuddled into daddy's shirt, smelling his scent until I found the strings of his hoodie. Yummy, they are way too tasty.

I switched the television and looked for spongebob until I saw daddy's face on the screen. I smiled, but It faded as soon as it came.

'Justin Bieber arrested for drag racing and DUI. The sources say Justin Bieber was caught drag racing while he was drunk. A girl was also found in his car. The investigations are still going on.'

I gasped, and the remote fell from my hands. But, daddy's sick right? Isn't he in his bed?! What is happening?

I quickly went outside, and found Hebrew on the way again, I passed him, while he stopped me from behind but being an adult he was, he couldn't catch with my speed. I sighed when I reached daddy's door. It had a 'do not disturb' tag on the very front. I ignored it and opened it, finding nothing but his empty bed.

I fell on my knees, the news wasn't false. God please. Tears fell from my eyes, and blurred my vision. I felt a couple of arms wrapping around me, I recognised the voices. It was of Chaz and Alfredo's.

They told me its fine but I refused to listen and kept begging them to take me to daddy. I couldn't process anything, its was not the moment for my brain to work. I felt so numb and dizzy. Please God let this all be a nightmare.


YES DADDY? (Justin Bieber fanfic DD/LG)Where stories live. Discover now