Chapter 3

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Victoria Strauss’s POV
“Tanya, when will she be coming? It’s already 10. Are you sure you told her that she must come here at 9?” I panicked as I walked back and forth. What if she had been kidnapped?! No, Victoria. You must be optimistic. Maybe she is still working and after all, she is the only heir of the Stanley’s.
Valerie’s father, Paul Stanley was the owner of the famous 7 stars hotel, Stanley Hotel. Now, Valerie is the owner of the hotel. She inherited her father’s hotel as soon as she graduated in a famous college last year. Valerie is a perfect girl because she has the beauty, the brain and the money. But she has no boyfriend and her father is very cold towards her. I can feel it. I am jealous and pitied her at the same time. But I will never be living like her life. It is my fate to be a Strauss.
“Oh, there she is!” Tanya exclaimed and pointed towards someone from far while I snapped from my thought. I squinted my eyes to see the Valerie that Allie pointed. I cannot see Valerie clearly from far without my glasses.
“Tanya, where is my glasses? I need it right now.” I asked.
“Your glasses? I leaved it in the car. I told you that you look ugly on those glasses.” She asked as she frowned. She frown a lots and I think her face skin will be wrinkled soon.
“Stop frowning. It’ll ruin your face. And I wear glasses not for nothing but to have better eyesight.” I explained. She just nodded and rolled her eyes.
“Tanya, V! Is this my birthday party? This is awesome!! Thank you so much.” A familiar female voice greeted us and gave us a bear hug. As Valerie’s fruity scent hit my nose, I turned my back to meet Valerie.
“Happy birthday, Val! Where are you and why are you late?” I boomed her with questions. I don’t usually nag but I can’t help to worry about her. She is my best friend after all.
“I have an important meeting and it ended later than I expected. V, where are your glasses? You look more beautiful without it.” She said trying to avoid my questions.
“Thank you, Val. Today is your day so have fun, okay?”We bear hugged each other and smiled until we heard Tanya’s scream.
“Girls! Now it’s not the time for drama. It’s time for party!”Tanya screamed while putting down a small round cake with two burning candles on it on the bar counter. I pushed Valerie slightly to face the cake. Valerie took a deep breath before she blew out the candles.
“Make your wish, birthday girl.” I whispered while grinning widely. Valerie quickly shut her eyes and makes her wish.
“Time to have fun!” Tanya cheered while popping out a champagne cork with a corkscrew. We leaved our problems and stress behind by getting wasted and danced till we drop.
An hour later…
I woke up feeling groggy and found myself was on the bar counter. I am not a good drinker so I got drunk easily. I saw Tanya and Valerie were still dancing grinding their hips on strangers on the dance floor. The flashing dim lights and heavy beat makes my head hurt. I want to get out and seek for fresh air. I walked to outside of the club through the back door of the club. Finally, I got out from the noisy place! My mom’s nag is better than this club.
I sighed and leaned against the wall. I shut my eyes and breathed in. I breathed out and opened my eyes. I am feeling better than a minute ago. I smiled feeling relief that I am not that drunk. I am glad that I didn’t drink much or I will be killed by my parents for getting drunk. I keep smiling until I heard a groan nearby.
I hope it is not a couple who were making sex. I followed the sound until I found a drunken guy was lying on the side of the road.
“Hey, are you okay? Can you get up by yourself right now? It’s dangerous to lay on here.” I asked in a concerned voice as I approached him. I am afraid he will be hit by a car if he still on there.
“None of your business. Get away from me!” the guy shouted coldly at me. His husky voice makes me shiver and flinched when he shouted. I don’t know what his problems are and I don’t want to know. I am just worried and I think he is still young to die early. I don’t care if he hate it or not but I must do this. I put my arm on his armpit to lift him and brought him to the wall. God, this guy weighs a ton! I leaned his body against the wall. I don’t know why but I felt sparks when I touched him earlier. I ignored the sparks and leaned beside him.
“Are you okay? If you want to die, find a better place. Not in front of a club.” I scolded him again as I stared at him. I can’t see his face clearly since my glasses was in Bumblebee. What I can see is the guy has a black hair and he is wearing a suit.
“You don’t need to bring me here. My driver will come later. I was waiting for him on the side of the road.” The guy muttered and lowered his head. I sighed in relief.
I took out my Samsung Galaxy S3 from my pocket and plugged in the earphone. I went to my music list and played Lawson’s Brokenhearted in my phone. I tucked the right earphone to my ear and tucked another one to the guy’s ear. He flinched as I tucked the earphone on his ear.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you.” I said and chuckled. Am I that scary to make him flinch?
“You’ll hurt me? Ha-ha… it’s funny. I think you should be worried on yourself because you’re with a man right now. Just two of us in a very quiet and dark place.” He whispered at my ear in a sexy low tone and sniffed. He is just an inch away from my ear!
“S-shut up and stay away from me. Your breath stinks!” I stuttered and pushed his chest away from me. I felt the sparks again. It was strange. Maybe he is a werewolf and I am his mate. That was why I felt sparks when I touched him… No, Victoria. That was just some werewolves’ fiction stories on Wattpad. Gosh, I need to cut some time on Wattpad. I shook my head slightly and sighed.
“Are you okay? Oh… By the way, what’s your name? What is your age? You look like a high school student.” He bombarded me with questions while looking at me. I am uncomfortable by his gaze and lowered my head.
“V-Victoria. Victoria Strauss. I’m 23.” I answered and shut my eyes as I don’t want to continue this chit-chat. I am nervous when I am around him. My heart keeps thumping fast when he looks at me. I felt goose bumps when he talked. God, what was wrong with me today? 
I keep my eyes shut and tried to sleep. I heard his sigh and I sighed too. I let Justin Timberlake’s Mirrors played in my ear. I felt his warm hand pulled my head to his shoulder gently.
“Good night, Victoria.” He whispered at my ear. My eyes were getting heavy and I felt asleep on his comfortable shoulder. I think this is the best sleep I ever had.

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