One: My room mate is a boy?!

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Yuris pov 

"Yuriiiiiii, it's our second day in college, did you find out who your room mate is or has she not turned up yet?" Yuna clung onto my arm, I sighed out and shook her off of me. "Yuna, I don't care who my room mate is, just as long as they're quiet, tidy, mature and clever." I watched as she scrunched her nose and flicked my nose, "Fine then, come on we have dance class!" She grabbed my hand and begun to run, I struggled to keep up due to unexpectedly running, almost tripping here and there. "Oh! Yuri!" I heard my sister call out, I looked round to see her with her group of friends, she rose her hand and waved her hand at me, I quickly waved back at her before running into someone, thanks to Yuna. 

Books dropped and paper flew, I watched as Yuna went tripping forward and I was still leaning against the person I bumped into at full force, I looked up to see a really tall male. "Oh, uh....Sorry!" I said quickly, "Hey...Watch where you're going, you'll  ruin my clothes." Is all he said, his voice was deep and his friend chuckled lightly, I blinked a few times before being pulled away from him. "O-Oh hey Chaerin!" The boys tone changed, he begun to smile and he rubbed at his head, "CHAERINNN!" Yuna screamed out in excitement, she ran and hugged my sister tightly. I watched as the boys eyebrows rose and he looked angry. 

I looked round to see Chaerin on the floor and Yuna hugging her like a child, I bit my bottom lip and grabbed Yuna by her jackets collar, pulling her up and off of Yuna. "Jeez, woman! We're in college, act your age!" I scolded, the boy moved to help Chaerin up, she was laughing softly as she accepted the help. "Can you keep your dog on a leash?" The boy asked, "We don't want our Queen getting hurt." He added on, my eyes narrowed at him and he smirked slightly, "Hey Chanyeol, don't talk to my sister like that." Chaerin snatched her wrist back and rushed to my side, her friends laughing as they joined us. "Your sister?" He asked with widened eyes, I snorted at his reaction before feeling Yuna pinch my arm. "We're going to be late for class, Yuri." She whispered, "Ah! If you're in the dance class, it's cancelled." The tall boy changed his tone, a smile covering his soft looking lips.

"Awesome, Yuri let's go to our hang out spot, we'll show you the way." Chaerin looped her arm around mine and begun to pull me away from the boys, Yuna following behind me and my sister along with her friends.  

Chanyeols pov 

"Oh well done, Chanyeol. You embarrassed yourself in front of her sister." Baekhyun chuckled lightly as he slapped onto my arm, I was still so shocked I got rude to my queens sister. "I will make it up to her, I didn't think they were related!" I defended myself, watching Chaerin and her sister walk to the back hang out grounds, my heart was still pounding from being so close to Chaerin, "Her sister is quite cute, don't you think?" Baekhyun said as he rubbed at his chin, he begun to walked to the hangout grounds so I followed him with a sigh. "Oh by the way, why did you sleep in my dorm last night? You should have gone back to yours, you only took one look at it and then came to mine. My room mate complained about your snoring." He pushed open the door and stepped out of the building, "Because my room mate isn't there yet, it's lonely." I complained, "I think he will  be there now, so go there tonight." Baekhyun groaned out, "I take it you couldn't sleep because of my snoring either, then?" I asked with a small frown. 

"Ex---Oh oh! Hello princess." Baekhyun said to his self as he passed  by some girls, I rolled my eyes at my playboy friend and headed to a free bench. 

Yuris pov

"So his name is Chanyeol and he likes you? If you know about it, why didn't you give him a chance, Chaerin?" I asked as I sat beside her, she slapped her hand onto my thigh and sighed out, "Because my wonderful sister, I already have a boyfriend." She responded to me, I rose a brow and slapped at her knee gently, "And you only tell me this now?!" I yelled, her friends flinched and Yuna winced, "Hey!  Keep the noise down, some of us are enjoying the peace, you know?" Yuna said with a sigh, I looked at her and she looked away slowly, "Sorry Yuna, love yooou." I said quickly before returning my gaze to Chaerin, "Then have you told Chanyeol about it?" I questioned, "No, it's none of his business. Besides, I can't just go up to him and be like 'Hey Chanyeol, I have a boyfriend, so stop crushing on me!' Can I?" She huffed out grumpily, I hummed and nodded in agreement, "Ah, you're right, that would be weird...Since he doesn't know that you know about him liking you." I quickly stopped talking when I noticed the devil heading towards us, nudging Chaerin gently, she sat up straight and watched him getting closer. 

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