1-You Saved My Life

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Hi my name is Tiahna I am twelve and I get called a party girl because after 12:00am i go physco I do not know why i just do. i also have longish brow hair with blonde tips. I am quite confident with my body. I have a sister called Alexis and she is 16 she is the best sister to go shopping with and talk boys ;) I also have another sister called Mya she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She is my age though. Oh did I tell you that I have a HUGE CRUSH ON HAYES GRIER. I go to MagCon every year with Mya!


"I miss these days at the beach", I say to Mya and Alexis. They both reply with "same", at the same time. Wow that guy I have been watching can sure hold his breath. He comes up and silently screams for help, I'm the only one that heard. I ran into the water and took him to shore, he looked familiar. I just can't put my finger in it. until he opened his eyes then BAM it hit me it was THE HAYES GRIER. I stood up and ran I don't know why I just did. i ran to the bus stop and waited for the bus to come and pick me up, all i wanted was to go home, i don't know why. As i was going through my contacts to ring Alexis or Mya. i got a message and i looked at it, it was from an unknown number it said;

unknown #; YOU SAVED MYLIFE!

me; Who are you?

unknown#; look up!

I looked up as they told me and there standing not even 1 metre away was HAYES GRIER. i didn't know what to do but then i blurt out "how did you get my number". I accidentally said it in a mean way. as soon as i realized i said it in a mean way, i looked at him in a 'i am so sorry i didn't men to say that kinda-look. ,god i didn't mean it in that way i just... well... i guess i am a bit scared was my number like on the Internet or something please tell me" I say in one breath. Then Hayes says "sh it is OK i saw your number when you were going through your contacts! anyways can we please go back to the beach"."OK i just need to tell Alexis and Mya, my sisters, i Will meet you were i pulled you to shore?" pulled me to shore? don't you mean save my life?" I wouldn't call it that" I say as i walk off" he followed behind me. i walked to Mya and Alexis and Hayes walked to who i am guessing Nash, Elizabeth,chad and skylynn. I was in the middle of appoligizing to mya and alexis, then i see myas eyes widden and i feel a hand on my shoulder i knew it was hayes. I then introduced everyone, then i felt my legs swooped up and next thing I know im getting thrown into the waterI jump to the surface and gasp for air. I then relize hayes threw me in the water, so I dunked him and so it came into a water fight. IT was getting dark so we all decided to all go home, when i was packing all of my things in to my HUGE beach bag I felt somebody behind m e and i turned aound and saw hayes he put his arms out and i jokingly jumped into him and gave him a pretty big hug. I became pretty close to him and forgot he was on vine to be honest!!!!


I saw Tiahna packing up to go home and i had to go and give her a hug im going to miss her ALOT. so i run upto her, then wait a minuet she turned around and gave me the biggest hug ever. while i was over with my family i wrote my # on a piece of paper and quickly and quietly put it in her beach bag without her seeing and after that I said " hey Tiahna i feel we have become very close to each other today and I just dont want this to end I know we have only known each other for a day but i think I have fallen for you and if we lived close to eachother i would ask you out". Then Mya and Alexis sa" well we're ging to go look for a taxi so we'll meet you by the road it was really nie meeting you hayes". "thankyou it was nice meeting you to. Anyway text me or ring me if you need a friend" i say as I walk away. "WAIT" I hear Tiahna say as i urn around, She runs up and jumps into my arms we stay like this for a good couple of minuets i look at her in the eyes I never really reized how beautiful they are. My thoughts by Tiahna saying "im going o miss you too' could i have your number so we could still chat?" I reply with "sure", "did you want me to give you my phone so you can put your number in it or?". " Its ok you already have it", I said with a smirk on my face I gave her one last hug and left with leaving her with no clue.


"Its ok you already have it" he says. What does that mean? He never gave me his number. He gives me his number! I was quite sad he didnt give me his number I was really hoping to keep in contact with him. maybe he didnt acully mean what he said, WAIT OMG HAYES GRIER JUST SAID HE WOULD OF ASKED ME OUT. what am i doing been bumbed about not getting his number.

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