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One Month Later

"HELP ME! SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!" I screamed, banging on the wall. I was only in a tank top and some panties, looking around the small boxed space, trying to find a way out but there wasn't one. "PLEASE, YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME IN HERE!" Tears were fall down my face as I patted on the wall, looking for some type of way out, but no such luck. I then slowly sat down on the floor, bringing my knees to my chest, as I started rocking back and forth. 

"And cut! Nicely done, Ivy!" The director said, as I stood up and wiped my face. One of the assistants ran over towards me and helped me put my robe on, as I walked off of the set and sat down in my chair.

"You're an expert, curly fry." Derrick smirked at me, making me roll my eyes. Unfortunately, Derrick...the guy that I had a one night stand with, was also cast in the show and now I had to see him every single day. I tried my best to avoid him, but I couldn't because he was playing my romantic interest in the show and it was weird to me.

"Thanks, I guess." I said, giving him a polite smile. 

"Alright everybody, take an hour lunch and we'll meet back here for the next scene!" The director announced, as I got up and went to get dressed. I checked my phone, seeing that my dad and Bella had called me, but I wasn't in the mood to talk to either one of them. I had to at least reach out to my dad, otherwise he would do a pop up and I didn't need that in my life right now. 

After I finished getting dressed, I walked out of the dressing room, furrowing my eyebrows when I saw Derrick standing there waiting on me.

"You wanna grab lunch?" He asked me.

"No." I said.

"Why are you being so mean to me? Is it because we slept together?" 

"Shhh! Keep your voice down!" 

"I'm just saying. You been really rude and standoffish towards me, but you shouldn't be because I didn't do anything to you. Yeah, we had sex and that shit was great, but we're grown so who cares?" He questioned.

"I care, Derrick! I care and I shouldn't, but I do." I hissed. 

"Okay, but at least I'm not treating you like you were nothing more than a one night stand, because that's exactly how you're treating me! Don't worry though, Ivy. I won't bother you again, shawty." He walked away, leaving me standing there with a whole ass headache. Ugh, now I felt queasy and all I wanted to do was go back to my dorm room and take a nap, but I knew that wouldn't happen. I guess I was just going to have to get through the rest of this day and go from there. 


After lunch, I went straight into hair and makeup, getting ready for a love scene with none other than Derrick; who clearly hated my guts at the moment. Since returning from lunch, he hasn't looked at me, nor has he said two words to me. I can't say that I blame him, only because I've been nothing but a bitch to him since the day I woke up in a room with him, but at the same time...I still felt uneasy about the situation.

"Let's try that breakup scene one more time." The director shouted, as I stood in front of Derrick. I feel like we've shot this scene over a hundred times and I was honestly tired of it, but who am I to complain? Yeah, we had to memorize lines for different scenes, and the shoot times are all out of whack, but I didn't mind because this was the lifestyle that we all obviously wanted and it was what we were getting. "Ivy, you okay? You're looking a little pale."

"I'm fine." I assured him.

"Alright then, from the top. Annnndddd...ACTION!"

"Malcolm, I can't do this anymore! The sneaking, the lying...it has to stop! Jessica is my best friend and if she knew about us...she'd never forgive me." Yeah, my character was in love with her best friend's boyfriend. Ironic right? She reminds me of how I was with Gabe, before he and Bella got together. As much as I didn't want to, I still thought about what could have been if Gabe and Bella never got together. I shouldn't, because he's married to my cousin, but I still can't help but wonder sometimes. 

"But Reign, I love you." He said, grabbing both sides of my face. He leaned down and kissed my lips, pulling me into his body, as we made out. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the sparks and fireworks that surrounded us, but I'm sure he didn't feel it. "Just give me some time, okay? I promise...it will all work out."

"But what if it doesn't?" I questioned, looking him in his eyes. "What if she finds out and never forgives us?"

"She won't." He started kissing me once again, as the scene began to turn a little steamy. 

"And cut! That was perfect! I love the chemistry between you two! It seems so real and lifelike, as if you both are really in love! Well done!" The director shouted, clapping his hands. I smiled a little, noticing that I was still in Derrick's hold, as I pulled away from him.

"Good job." I said to him.

"You too." He said, as we went our separate ways. I needed a cold shower or something, because I was burning up all over my body and in between my legs. Goodness, this wasn't going to work. Not when there was all this sexual tension between us. 

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