How You Met

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Luke ~

To say you were a 5SOS was an understatement. You would consider yourself the number one SUPER FAN. President of the 5SOS fan club you went to every single one of their shows no matter where it was. Did you have the money for it... no but you still always found a way. Today you had a plan, you were going to sneak onto their tour bus and wait for the show to be over. After a lot of struggling you managed to do it successfully. After what seemed like decades the tour bus door opened the boys walking in to see you standing there.

"I'll go get security." Calum says starting to walk back out.

"No wait she's kinda cute." Luke says waking towards you and you faint.

Ashton ~

Living in Australia was always a dream of yours and even upon months and months of research it was still harder than you had expected. Driving wasn't so bad, parking was the most difficult thing about it. As you arrived at the local supermarket (I don't know what they are call in Australia but I call it a supermarket) you grabbed a cart and started to shop for your new home. Approaching checkout you struggled to figure out the right change, just then someone came to help.

"Here let me." You recognize him he was Ashton Irwin the drummer in the band 5SOS. He took you money and payed the cashier.

"Thank you so much." You told him putting your bags in the cart and starting to leave. As you started to put you bags in the trunk of your car you saw him come towards you.

"Hey, um thanks again Ashton." You told him and he looked surprised.

"You know me?" He asked.

"Yea of course I do I listen to you and the boys almost everyday. I'm Y/N by the way." You told him smiling.

"That's so cool, well Y/N do me a favor here's my number call me sometime." He gave you a piece of paper with his number and waked to his car.

Calum ~

Today was your birthday and you weren't planning on going out tonight but your Bestfriend wasn't having it. She had this plan to go to a 5SOS concert tonight so that's exactly what you guys did. You were surprised she had gotten front row tickets but you weren't expecting to be a part of what happened next.
Luke stops singing and begins to speak.

"So I've been told by a very good friend name (your bsf first and last name) that it's her Bestfriends' Y/N birthday today." Your jaw dropped to your feet.

"No way NO FUCKING WAY." You screamed. Luke held out his hand to pull you on stage, you hugged them all and when you got to Calum you almost fainted he was your favorite. He kissed you on the cheek and gave you two back stage passes. When you got off stage they continued the show but his eyes stayed on you the whole entire time.

Michael ~

As you watched the boys on tv you couldn't believe you used to be friends with him in high school. Looking at Michael you got upset because you felt like you missed you shot to be with him. As you were about to get off the couch your phone rang and the caller id made you choke on you own saliva.

"Mikey?" You asked confused as to why he was calling.

"Hey Y/N you got a sec?" He asked his words coming out a little shaky.

"Yea of course." You told him. You guys had and hour long conversation and he apologized for leaving you and you two planned to meet up some time.

A/N ok so I kinda suck at writing idk if this is good or not but hopefully it is. Vote and comment if you wanna


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