Phantom Light

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The next day
Ezra pov.
We were back at our base after saving the other yesterday. They were going to be fine but not sabine. We had to put a breathing mask to help her breathe better. I was walking to rooms where the others are. I walking  in saw that they were still asleep. Then they started to wake up. They look up at me and hera was there first one to speak.

Ezra is that you? She ask. Yes it is. How could you tell it was me? I ask. You wear white clothes and your evil counterpart wears dark clothes. Fair enough. What happened? How did we get here? Kanan ask. I brought you here. Our evil counterparts captured you guys and tortured you for a week.   How did you find us? We can feel you through the force. Especially sabine. Sabine where is she? Hera ask.

She's in the other room but she was more injured than you guys. How? She had cuts, bruises, and blood all over herself. She could barely breath. So we put a breathing mask over her to help her breathe better. Then devin came in. What is it devin? I ask. It's sabine something happening. What let's go. I ran out of the door to sabine's room.

1 minutes later.
I reach sabine room and found dex looks at the data pad. What's wrong with her? I ask. Her vital signs are dropping. She won't be able to hold for long. Dex said. How long? 30 minutes. Then will have to the phantom move. You mean that one? Yes it's the only way to save her. But we have to move quickly. Then the crew walk in. Ezra what's going on with sabine? Hera ask. She's dieing but we have to save her. You all need to stay here. You can't make the journey that were about to take. Ok. Let's go dex. I curry sabine in my arms and we join the others and ran into the woods to the phantom temple.

10 minutes later.
We reach the mountain where the temple sits on. I place sabine body on the stone table so that we can begin. We all got around the table and began to speak the words to save her.

Phantoms are good, phantoms are light, we are the phantom and the light, we're here to save a special friend. We call on the phantom light to save sabine wren. Our eyes glow green and a big green ball of energy flew of above sabine. We life our hands to lower the ball. We slowly lower them and the ball enter sabine's body. Sabine body glowed and all her cuts and bruises disappear.

Her body stop glowing and I ask dex to check her vitals. Her vital are normal again. She's be fine. He said. Good now all she needs now is rest. Then Jason came up to me. You still care about her don't you? He ask. Yes it's took seeing her dieing to wake me up and see that I do still love her. I knew it. Shut up. Let just get her back to base. I pick up sabine and we walk back to base.

Evil Ezra star destroyer
Evil Ezra pov.
I was in my room speaking with my master. Master the information you gave was false. He was not on the planet. I said. He must have move to a different location. We keep seeking him out. He said. Yes master. I was about to go until he stop me. One more thing. What this about your prisoners escaping? The told me that this group who calls them selfs phantoms broke them out.

Why didn't you stop them? I was on the jungle planet when they broke them out. It was a divisive then. Who ever they are I want you to destroy them. Yes master. I ended the transmission and thought. First I lose my led on ezra with sabine gone and now I have to find these phantoms. This is unbelievable.

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