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On arrival, Yan, Athel and Doowun discovered the agitated crewman standing in a clearing beside a huge timber door. The structure appeared incongruous within its surroundings yet it was apparent that great effort had been made to incorporate it within the natural vertical rock that proliferated the dense forest like monoliths above an arboreal citadel.

Finely carved interlacing knot work surrounded the architrave of the door giving an elaborate yet imposing façade.

"It would appear that we are not the only inhabitants on this island" remarked the cook eyeing up the door.

"Indeed It would" agreed a member of the crew drawing his cutlass from his scabbard and looking around nervously.

"Well by the extent of weed growth and ivy around the sill one can safely assume that this door has not seen use for some considerable time" said Doowun attempting to push the cumbersome doors apart.

"Allow me to assist you master Goblin" said the cook pushing his shoulder firmly against up against the door but no matter how hard they shoved the door it just would not budge.

"Maybe it's locked" a sailor remarked.

"Well if it is, that's the end of that" Gasped the cook breathlessly.

"Not so fast" grinned Athel turning to his  youthful cohort. "If you please Mr Yan" he said gesturing  the turning of a key.

Yan glared at the door and imagined the door to be an impediment preventing him from seeing his dear aunt Emma. A focus to incite a state of rage and help focus his energy.

He raised his hands in front of him as if to push the door open and as he did so the mighty doors began to shudder violently whilst dust and debris rained down from the escarpment.

The crew stood back anxiously and watched astounded as the young wizard performed his task.

"Look! Its opening!" Exclaimed the cook as slowly the doors to the mountain began to creak ajar.

Once the doors were wide enough to pass through, the little Goblin wasted no time investigating the mysterious portal and quickly disappeared into the darkness shortly followed by Athel.

On entry into the void they were suddenly and inexplicably blinded by a flash of light from a string of flaming scones that appeared to have been ignited by their presence, lining the walls of the cave to reveal an enormous gothic cathedral with towering piers, spandrels and gargoyles.

"Oh my word!" gasped Yan looking up at the murals and decorative liernes interlaced like vines across the vast ceiling. "What is this place?"

"It appears to be a place of ritual" replied Athel admiring the pious reliefs adorning the marble piers.

"Perhaps we had better leave" said a crewman, intimidated my the menacing glares of the grotesque gargoyles.

"Yes I agree! This place makes me feel uneasy" said the cook"

"Nonsense! There is nothing to fear here. This place has been abandoned for years" laughed Athel wiping away the cobwebs from a stone bust.

"If what you say is true then explain to me who lit the torches?" Replied the cook.

"Obviously some crude mechanism must been activated by the doors being opened" Doowun retorted but Yan quickly interrupted.

"Shhh! Wait!" He said. "I  hear something".

The travels of Yan OvertonWhere stories live. Discover now