True Family

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The days had long since started blending together. Everyday doing the same tasks, running around, delivering messages and helping out his pack as often as he could, it really was tiring. Luckily, he had gotten used to it. The rations of food had thankfully increased in the past year due to some of the new alphas that were in charge of the hunting being very skilled at what they did. It still wasn't enough food to put any significant weight on his skin and bones, but it was enough to keep him from losing any more of his small mass. Yoongi had become considerably closer with the rest of the omegas, now referring to them as his pack, they were the only people that made him feel like he belonged in a very long time.

Unfortunately, Yoongi wasn't alone in not gaining any weight. The rest of his pack were not getting any plumper - but they weren't getting any thinner either so he supposes he should count his blessings. On the bright side, as the older omegas always reminded him, being as underweight as they were meant that they still never had to experience a heat. He does sometimes wonder if that is the actual reason why they don't get so much food, but there's no point wondering because it's not like he'll ever be able to change it anyway.

It was in times like this that Yoongi was extremely grateful for the increase in rations as it was currently winter and all the windows for the dorm were covered with snow because they were still technically in the basement. It was absolutely freezing outside, he could feel an icy draft every time the front door opened when someone entered the house whenever he was working, it made him extremely glad that he had a pack he could cuddle up to at night when it was just too cold to function.

Because no one but the omegas themselves ever ventured into their little dorm, all of them had decided to push their beds together and all huddle on the bottom bunks for warmth because the blankets, unsurprisingly, didn't help keep the cold out nor the heat in. It was a really effective method of staying toasty until in the morning when it made getting out of bed so much more heartbreaking than it already was.

Right now, all of them were cuddled together on the beds, having finished their jobs for the day. Everyone was already fast asleep but for some reason it wouldn't claim Yoongi. Usually, the rhythmic sounds of everyone breathing softly as they dreamt of better days calmly lulled him to sleep but, for whatever reason, that wasn't working tonight. He couldn't help it, he just had this feeling that something was wrong, a sense of dread that told him to stay alert and didn't let him sleep, something that commanded him to watch over his pack because some form of danger was nearby.

He knew it was complete bullshit. It was just one of them spurts of paranoia you get, usually after hearing a scary story or something, it's just he can't remember what has set him off. His inner omega cannot settle, wanting to cower away from every slight breeze of wind making the snow flurry outside hit lightly against the windows. He really needed to figure out how to tell it to shut the fuck up and calm down, in all honesty.

In one final attempt at falling into the bliss of unconsciousness, Yoongi snuggled further into the warmth of Kyungmin behind him, allowing himself to relax in the gentle hold that the other omega had around his waist. He considered trying to count sheep but, ironically enough, that just made him hungry thinking about all the juicy meat he could devour from that prey, which in turn made him more agitated. He just generally wasn't have a great time, it wasn't like he hadn't done enough work to leave him absolutely exhausted, he just couldn't. fucking. sleep.


His trouble sleeping was pretty much the same for the next few nights, only being able to catch a few hours at tops before he had to get up for work. All of the omegas had noticed his state of significant fatigue lately, constantly asking him if he's okay and if they could do anything to help. The problem was that Yoongi himself didn't know what was up, so there was no way that he knew how to help it. He had tried to explain it to the others and they had said that they had sometimes experienced similar feelings before, but they couldn't figure out why he was suddenly feeling like it. They all hoped that it would pass within the next few days.

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