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He was greeted with the familiar face of the man who had woken him up that morning on the other side of the door but this time he was joined by another unfamiliar figure, slightly smaller in stature than his personal alarm this morning.

"Good, you're not completely incompetent then" The raspy voice broke the silence, clearly commenting on Yoongi's ability to clean himself. Despite the snarky tone Yoongi decided to bite his tongue, not comfortable yet with the 2 alphas and not being able to guess what kind of reaction he would get from speaking back to an alpha.

The blonde just silently followed the alphas after they started walking further down the corridor without another word. He tried not to think about the possible fate that awaits him mere minutes away but it's a bit difficult not to when there's nothing else to think about. He's just thankful that he got to experience a warm shower this morning, he didn't realise how gross he actually was, especially after napping in a literal tree trunk. He supposes at this point in his life it better to accept the small victories he experiences instead of getting hung up on all the negativity - it's not like he has any power to stand up against anyone, he can barely walk as it is. If only his father could see him right now, he would be so disappointed in his eldest son. Oh well, the fucker's dead.


It didn't take long for them to reach their intended room, after a couple of turns here and there they were already standing in front of the menacingly giant oak door. The second, smaller alpha walked over to Yoongi, grabbing him tightly by his arm whilst the other knocked sharply on the door thrice before turning the knob and entering the room. As soon as the door opened, Yoongi was dragged ungracefully into the bright space. It took a minute or two of constant blinking for the omega's eyes to properly adjust to the harsh lighting inside. Once his eyes had settled, he began to review his surroundings and found himself in a room akin to that of a laboratory, the white tiled floor and walls reflected the bright lighting all over the furniture. The mint and white tones that coloured the whole room made the blonde feel almost sick, it was as if they sucked all the life out of him, his motivation and drive immediately plummeting. He couldn't explain why but this place specifically made his mood instantly change for the worse.

Shortly after the first alpha had closed the door behind them a woman came out from behind a curtain, clipboard clutched tightly in her hand, dark hair slicked back in a tight bun and with the most unimpressed expression painted on her face. She glanced at Yoongi in a scrutinising manner before addressing the alpha with the raspy voice,

"When did this one come in?".

"They brought him in yesterday afternoon, found him trying to escape from a pack raid or something apparently", the alpha detailed as the woman filled in the form attached to her clipboard.

"Hmmm. Got any idea on age?"

"Not a clue, didn't come with any information on him and no one has had time to question him yet."

"Okay, bring him over to this table and i'll take a look."

Before he even had time to process what the woman had just said, Yoongi was once again dragged by the man holding onto his arm. They followed the woman to one of the examination tables before he was grabbed under the armpits and man-handled onto the table. At this point he felt more like a doll than an actual person, he may as well have been with the way that they were treating him.

He feels so lost and confused in this unfamiliar territory, he has no idea what they plan to do with him but he's never even given the chance to show resistance against what they're doing to him. It reminds him of when he first arrived in the dorm but at that time all his worries were quickly dampened by the calming presences of the omegas. Being here, he's only experienced uncertainty and more uncertainty, no one has offered him any actual human interaction. He feels even colder than when he was nearly freezing to death in the snow.

It was then when he noticed movement in the corner of his eye and saw the woman pierce a bottle of some kind of liquid with a metal pointy thing before stalking over to him and grabbing his arm, forcing it to face palm-up. He didn't know whether to fear or not the contraption that she was holding in her hand, unfamiliar with such equipment. He wasn't given much time to contemplate it anyway when she mumbled something along the lines of "You'll feel a small scratch" before jabbing the metal end into the omegas arm and pushing the plunger on the end.

An involuntarily whine ripped its way out of Yoongi's throat, feeling defenceless against the pain being inflicted on him. However, the pain in his arm flew to the back of his mind shortly after he first felt it due to the more alarming fact that he was losing consciousness. He had just slept all night, he didn't even feel tired anymore so Yoongi couldn't comprehend how he was falling asleep so suddenly now.

Unless.... Unless it was something that the woman did to him. The thing that she had jabbed into his arm had to be the cause of this. Twisting his head to look at her so fast that he almost pulled a muscle, the blonde shot her a look of utter betrayal before he lost the last few strands of consciousness and faded into the familiar darkness.

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