[1.5] cute

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-baby - I said, after I opened the door, and then Stephen jumped on me and that made me throw my bags on the floor.

-you're finally back! - he yelled, crying out of happiness, he hugged me so tight. I was in San Francisco for two months. I had so much work. but finally, I'm with the love of my life. at my apartment. again. I'm so happy!

I hugged him even tighter and cried too -I missed you too, so, so much.

he let go and smiled, his tears still falling from his cheek -I love you. there was no life without you, it was super boring! I couldn't stop thinking about you, I, I can't believe that it was so long and it all, and, darling, how was it?? did they treat you good?? are you all right?? you go-

I stopped him by a short kiss -baby, calm down - I chuckled -it was just work - I kissed his cheek -help me with the bags, and I can be all yours, whatever you want, for the whole night. - I smiled.

he took my bags and started to unpack, I smiled, as I looked at the most clumsy and so in love person in this world. he was trying to be fast. I came from behind him and hugged him, to let him calm down a little, as I grinned. -love, c'mon calm down a little, hm?

he calmed a little -fine, fine - he chuckled.

when he finished, I decided to ask him what he want to do so;

-watch Netfllix, some romantic movie, with popcorn, blanket, and you - he smiled looking into my eyes.

-mmh, nice - I kissed him.

he laid on the couch, and turned on the TV, while I got the popcorn, and laid with him. he turned some romantic movie, and hugged me tight. it was cute from him. I love him for this.

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