Hitoshi Shinso

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I got a request for Shinso from my Quotev account! Enjoy this purple cutie!

How You Meet

You sighed as you looked around the school, you got in U.A. High. Though you didn’t get into the Hero Course like you wanted, however you did get into General Department. You looked for class 1-C, but since you transferred from another hero school. Your were easily lost, you sighed and suddenly bumped into someone. You groaned and looked up to see a 5'9 ¾" guy with purple hair and purple eyes. You blushed and bit your lip to look at him shyly “Excuse me, sir. I was wondering if you know where class 1-C is.” He raised a brow and took his hand out, you gave him your paper then saw him look at it. He gave you the paper back and put his hand back into his pocket “This way.” You followed him and is walking beside him. You were nervous since you is just naturally shy and quiet, and it didn’t help that you weren’t well with socializing with people. You looked up to see him open the door then moved his head to signal ‘go in’. You went inside then went to an empty desk, but it turned out to be next to the guy who was next to you. He looked at you then gave a straight face “I’m Hitoshi Shinso.” “(Y/n) (L/n).” You smiled softly then looked through your stuff to find your book for class. You suddenly heard “You don’t have your books yet?” You turned your head to Shinsho and bit your lip “No… I do, but I’m just missing a book for this subject.” Before you could say anything else, you were suddenly stiff. You soon thought ’What the hell is happening to me? Why can’t I move?’ Shinso turned his head to chuckled lightly and suddenly flicked your forehead. You jumped a bit then blinked at him “What the hell just happened?” He looked at you and gave you the book to the subject “My quirk is brainwashing, but I thought I was checking to see if it affects you. Only happens when you verbally answer me, but it has to be under my will to have it work.” Suddenly your eyes were bright and you smiled wide “That’s amazing!” His eyes widened and he had a small tint of blush then looked away. You giggled lightly to turn back to face the blackboard, you opened the book Shinso let you borrow. You thought ’I wonder how everything will be now that I’m here.

When You Meet Again (Out of School)

Shinso went to the nearest book store, and when he went inside to the young adult section. He looked through the books to find something he was looking for. He groaned as he couldn’t find it, but then he saw something in the corner of his eye. He saw a girl with (h/c) (h/l) hair, (s/c) skin, (e/c) eyes, light blue jeans, gray shirt, big dark blue cardigan, black boots, and a gray beanie. He walked up behind you and said “Hello, (L/n).” You jumped and almost dropped your book, he quickly went to you and made sure you didn’t drop your books. You sighed and looked at him, he suddenly saw one of the books you were holding is the one he was looking for. You saw what he was looking at and gave him the book “Here. I’m just gonna get the 4 in my hands. I have enough books in my room anyway.” He looked down at you and gave you a blank face “Thanks.” “Welcome.” You went to the cash register and bought your books. You moved aside and Shinso noticed you were waiting on him. He got the book and he looked at you as he grabbed his bag. He walked out of the store with you and he turned to you. “I’m guessing you have something else to do.” You nodded and smiled at him “Yeah. I have to get some stuff to decorate my room. It was nice seeing you.” “Same here.” You walked away to wave at him “See you in school, Shinso.” He waved back and went the other direction, he soon thought ’Hmm, interesting girl.

When You Become Friends

You were doing the usual things in school when all of a sudden you heard the bell for lunch. You sighed and got up from your seat, you were tired because you stood up taking care of your little sister since she had a fever. Luckily, your aunt had a job that let her stay home. So she offered to stay with your little sister until you got home, you looked for your wallet then you realized you left it at home. You groaned and sat back down to put your arms on your desk then laying on it to close your eyes. That was until you heard Shinso “Aren’t you going to eat lunch?” You simply shook your head and said “Left my wallet at home. I’m just gonna sit here and catch some shut eye.” He stared at you and sighed to finally said “Let me pay for you then.” “No thanks, Shinso. You can go ahead.” “No.” “You’re so stubborn.” “So are you. Though it’s easy to see you’re tired and hungry since you aren’t yourself.” You blushed at that sentence to stay quiet because that was a true fact. You weren’t yourself when you were hungry and tired, but you didn’t want to explain your situation to Shinso yet. You suddenly heard him say “So you’re just gonna stay here?” “Yes, Shins-” You felt your body get a little stiff, and you thought ’That jerk!’ You could hear his chair move to then hear his footsteps to you. “Come with me to the cafeteria to eat. Don’t complain.” You stood up and just followed him to the cafeteria against your tired will. He had you go in line with him and saw him order 2 foods. Once he paid for it, you heard him say “Grab the tray and follow me.” So that’s what you did. You and him sat down across from Kendo and Tetsutetsu, he flicked your forehead and you were out of his trance. You frowned then looked at him, he didn’t do anything except eat his food. You sighed and smiled shyly “Thanks for lunch. I’ll pay you back.” “No, it’s fine. It’s what friends do.” You smiled wide and looked at him “Awe, Shinso.” “Shut up and eat.” You just giggled and continued to eat the food.

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