Chapter 7: Are You Okay?

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Hi hello hey.
So um right now. I'm at school in my last period. And yes, I ended up going to school sadly. Aaaa curses to strict parents.
Anyways, enjoy! I might make this chapter longer than usual woohoo!

Thank you for your continuous love and support! Love y'all!





Blurry light. You squint, trying to force your eyes open. You feel like you're moving. You're supported in warmth. Your hair covering your vision and someone talking excitedly. You can't hear what they're on about, but...where are you? Green, Yellow, Blue, Pavement. Grass. Road. Autumn breeze.


Your eyes open fully, and you look around groggily. Your hair seemed to be it's normal color, and you seem to be back in what you were wearing before. Your F/C button up collar blocking your face so that only your eyes are visible.

"Hey! Guess who just got back from Dreamland!"

You see a familiar face in front of you. Well...on top of you? You look up and see Susie smiling widely. You can see her eyes beneath her hair. They were full of happiness and you smile for a second. She was very good at hiding her emotions, and yet most of them showed through her eyes alone.

No wonder why she hid them so often. That's just building up your walls on another level. "Oh! Y/N is awake! Hi Y/N! I can see the sun!" Ralsei says excitedly, pointing up to the ball of gas in the sky that you so took for granted. You had a little bit of respect for Ralsei for pointing out something that you see everyday but never pay attention to. Kris nods, "Hello Y/N." Then it hits you. (No not literally. Don't comment.)

How are you not walking?

You try and get up. "Woah! Y/N! You nearly made me drop you! Don't bother walking anyways, we've already made it to Kris' house so.." wait.

She's carrying you??

"She's so strong"

you say in your head, but then shake the thought instantly. You then felt her hands supporting your body from falling. You don't know what to do, so you just look at the trees to get your mind off of everything. Especially Susie, who just HAD to carry you. Her touch made you think of the well, not the best things. But

who could blame you?

You make it to Kris' home, your hand holding Susie's shoulder. You try and hide your face as you feel your face get extremely hot. "Oh noo." You say in shame to yourself. Susie saw you sleep, she didn't have to see this face. So, you try your best to hide the redness which came to no avail. The redness even covered your ears, and covering it would be made it worse. She would notice any way you acted upon.

Thoughts aren't the best at times, are they?

"Oh! Kris, Susie, Y/N and...?" Kris' mom. Toriel. You recognised her voice from anywhere. Toriel used to take care of you with Kris and Asriel as a child, so you knew Toriel very well. Susie pats your back softly to indicate that she was about to let you down. You mentally prepared yourself and your reflexes. She lowered and your feet touch the ground. You dust off imaginary dust, as per habit, and look toward Toriel. She still looked the exact same from the last time you saw her. "I guess that's what happens when you're so nice to everyone." You say in your head, admiring the love and affection that Toriel never fails to show everyone.

Kris clears his throat. "This is one of my other friends. This is Ralsei." Toriel smiles softly and held out a hand for Toriel to shake. "Hello my dear, My name is Toriel. Toriel Dreemurr. I am Kris' mother." Ralsei takes the hand and they shake profusely. Toriel then invites them in, asking if they wanted anything. After asking for juice, a can of Red Bull, water and (*Insert beverage*), she leaves to work in the kitchen on a pie and the desired beverages.

You guys are hanging out in the yard of Kris' house. The sun is still shining and everyone seems happy and at ease. Ralsei speaks first. "I don't want to go's so nice here. Down in the dark world it was lonely..and nobody liked to talk to me. Here...everyone seems so nice." You nod. You didn't know for a second what Ralsei went through, but it certainly would've been lonely underground.

But you still remember. From that one second of knowing all the truths the world has to offer, you still remember some truths. Like who the monster was in the vision you had in the dark world. For that second all your questions had been answered, but now, you have even more questions and doubts. That girl that you saw one day in the rain. You can't see her face.

It's blurred, like the rest of the memory.

You sit there in complete silence trying to force your eyes to focus into something as it that would help you concentrate. Yellow rainjacket. You know that. It's raining. You know that. She gives a doll to you. You know that.

["■■■ ■■■ ■■■■, ■Y/N■?" ]

Words. She said words! What the hell did she say to you? Your hands ball into fists as you're trying to find the slightest clue. You try to read her lips, you can't. Her words are jumbled. You were only a little girl back then, so your brain couldn't have possibly processed words. You try to think of your own vocabulary, but you struggle. it's not that you cannot remember. It's just that you don't know what she said to you.

Wait! You nod to that, as per the memory remind you so. It must of been a question that you didn't know how to say but you knew the answer to. You want to know her. You want to know what she said to you.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" I okay....

You click and look at Susie, who looked sincerely worried.



I feel sick asf. I need my parents to save me lmao. ♡

Edit: ignore sick me being a sensitive little birch tree. 😂

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