A Ride home

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Grace watched the woman as she inspected the car, trying her best not to wring her hands like a worried housewife. But how could she not? This car was the thing that made her world go round. Her parents expected her to keep up with it, despite its maturity. Though, her father did tell her that he would be willing to help her if the car was too old to fix and needed a new one. But she didn't want that! She wanted to show she could keep up with things passed down to her as her father did. She knew she could do it!

Following the woman about while she looked over the vehicle, she couldn't help but feel nervous. When she finally finished, her eyes came up to the woman's face, and for a moment she was staring, but quickly snapped to when she began talking, looking up at her with hopeful eyes. "Its a miracle this old girl made it here. Any farther and you would have ended up on the side of the road" she told her bluntly, though not unkindly.

"S-so, its that bad? How much would it be to fix?" she inquired, and Terah gave a hum. "From just what I can see, she's gonna need a whole new engine, and for a car like this, that would be next to impossible. The best I'd be able to do would be to get a newer engine that could fit in here and rewire everything." she explained, folding her arms under her breasts, further emphasizing them. Grace tried her best to keep her gaze upon her face. "Not to mention how the rest of the car is. You'd need new seats, gearshift... everything. It'd be like buying a new car" she explained. "Don't get me wrong, fixing up a beauty like this would definitely be worth it, but it would just be a lot to sink into it. Especially if you want it to run for a good while" she added quickly.

Grace bit her lip,and gazed at the vehicle apprehensively.

"It was my dads. I.. He had it when he was young and he passed it to me. I just want to take good care of it is all... but..." she grabbed her wrist, fidgeting slightly. The mechanic looked down to her, and made an empathetic expression.  

"Hey, how about you leave it overnight and I can give you an estimate tomorrow, yeah?" she offered. "Either way she wouldn't be leaving with the car. It was in no condition to go anywhere. The girl looked to her and gave a small smile. "Y-yes, I'd like that very much" she said, grateful tears coming to her eyes. "Come on, I'll take you home then" The mechanic offered, feeling a warm feeling in her chest from the girls smile. It made her smile back just as warmly.

Terah led her back to the garage, and called out rather loudly. "Dad, I'm going to borrow your car for a bit, I need to take this girl home, she's wearing a dress!"

Not even a moment later, a disembodied voice responded. "Alrigh', just make sure you don't get a scratch on my Marilyn". Grace looked up to Terah questioningly as she gave a snort. "Sure thing old man, I'll be back soon, Text me if you want something while I'm out!". With that, Terah walked over to the right wall, grabbing a single key and keychain from the half empty rack; making her way to the side of the garage, passing the metal steps that led to the second floor. Tearing her eyes from the rusted metal, they fell upon the faded paint of an old red mustang. She could tell it was old by the body style, but as far as what kind of make and model, the God fearing girl had no earthly idea. 

"Its a 66' Mustang Shelby gt" Terah suddenly spoke, as if reading her mind. "Dad got it at an auction a few years back. He was gonna repaint it, but he kinda likes the faded paint style. Or so he claims" she said with a shrug. The paint was clearly red, but was starting to turn pink in a few places from sun damage. Down the middle there were racing stripes, giving it the look of an action car. Going to the passenger side, Grace waited patiently while Terah embarked the vehicle, then leaned over and opened the door for her. The hinges squealed in protest when she swung the door open, and she couldn't help but wince at the sound. From within the car, Terah was chuckling. "I know, ironic. A mechanic doesn't have time to fix his own car" she mused, waiting until Grace was in and had closed the door before cranking the car. The engine roared to life as if it were a majestic lion claiming his pride. 

Grace gave a yelp, and her fair cheeks turned crimson with embarrassment as Terah gave a hearty laugh. "Sorry hun, didn't mean to scare ya" she apologized, putting the weathered automobile into drive and pulling out onto the gravel parking lot. Grace watched her car whilst they made their way to the road, giving a small sigh once they pulled out and onto the road. 

Terah turned on the radio, turning it onto a pop station but keeping the volume low enough so they could talk comfortably, though, the revving of the engine still made that a bit difficult. Grace looked to the seats, really taking in the interior while the sun was still out. The seats were black leather, with a red racing stripe down the middle, reflecting its outer image. Everything inside the car seemed to be the same as when the car was new. The same seats, radio, even gear shift. She figured her dad simply fixed the engine to get it running again. 

The sound of a phone ringing pulled her from her thoughts, however, as she turned her attention to Terah, who was fishing for the phone as they slowed to a stop before a red light. Retrieving it, Grace stole a glance and saw the caller ID read Baby , with hearts and other cute things beside it. "Sorry, I hope you don't mind if I take this" she apologized, giving a small whine. 

"No, no, it's fine, go ahead" she insisted, and Terah thanked her happily, which made her smile. So she has a boyfriend. How nice. I wonder what that's like~, she thought to herself while Terah answered the call. 

"Hey babe, what's up?" she answered in an almost sweet tone, putting the phone on speaker so she could be hands free. 

"Hey Babyyyyy" A woman answered, making Grace's eyes go wide with shock. She was a lesbian! How could she not have seen it before? The tattoos, the hair, the outfit! There was no way a guy would like that, right? 

"You know what tonight is, don't you?" the woman on the phone asked in a sing song voice. "Yup, movie night. With Pizza, popcorn, and wingsss!" Terah answered excitedly, placing the phone in her lap as the light turn green and she slowly accelerated. "Yassss!" the woman cheered, and Grace suddenly felt a bit awkward while listening to the couple go on. "I'm bringing the alcohol and that good, good~" she continued. Grace looked to Terah to see her reaction to the girls excitement, only to find that she had taken a serious expression. "Alcohol yes, but no to that other shit. What have I told you? You need to stay off of that stuff and to keep it out of my place! I've found three dime bags in your pants already! We talked about this, don't you remember?" 

Grace was surprised at how Terah stepped up to that. She assumed that the 'good good' was slang for drugs, that Terah wanted no part of. Into girls but not drugs. Hm, she thought, liking this woman just a bit more. Of course she also knew that it was a sin, and that Terah would surely burn in hell for this atrocity; but she wasn't about to shove her beliefs down her throat as he father would sometimes do to those who confessed to homosexuality. Grace personally never saw anything wrong with it. Love was love, pure and simple. 

"Yeah, yeah, I know." the woman replied dejectedly, submitting to Terahs authority. "Good girl" Terah praised, which surprised Grace. 'good girl'? Wasn't that used for pets and animals? "Well, I'll be over in twenty" the woman piped up, the excitement still feasible in her voice. "Just let yourself in. I had to take care of something but I'll be home soon" she informed her, not going into specifics about it. They said their goodbyes, and Grace remained silent until she was sure that the girl was off the line. "S- so you like girls?" she asked timidly; unsure if it was something that she could or should bring up. 

Terah glanced over at her, a small smirk coming to her lips. "Yeah, I do. Though, being honest, they can be as complicated as guys. Though, there are times where they are even more so" she admitted rather openly, giving a small sigh. There seemed to be more to it, but she was rather mum on it. "Oh, but hey, uh, where do you live? I totally forgot to ask" she said with a small laugh, and Grace perked up. 

"Oh! I am so sorry! Um! Make a right up here!" she quickly instructed, guiding the woman to her home. It didn't take long, despite the detour, and soon enough, Terah was pulling up into a nice suburban home. "Woah. this place is huge" she complimented, putting the car in park. "Yeah, its pretty nice" Grace agreed, moving to get out. 

"Oh, hey, let me get your number so I can text you tomorrow about the car!" Terah quickly blurted out. "Oh, right, I totally forgot!" she rapped herself on the head lightly, pulling her phone from her purse and exchanging information with the woman. Once she had, she got out and thanked her once again for the ride, closing the door and heading up to the porch, fishing her keys from her purse. Once the door was open she looked back to see Terah pulling off. It seemed that she had waited until she was in the car before actually leaving. How sweet of her. Grace looked down to her phone, seeing Terahs name and giving a small smile as she stepped inside. 

The Mechanic and the Church Girl(GxG)Where stories live. Discover now