Random Day

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About couple of hours ago I just ended school. Today was a Day 4, pretty easy since all of our classes were either free period or study halls besides Guidance. 

Guidance class got humiliated for not having my project and everyone else had it. Thought it had to be top notch but even though we had 2 months.. so my fault xD.

Also taking the bus home today.. walking up to the cross walk to go to the bus stop.. light had 7 seconds left blinking red hand. I'm like, *run* or *FOLLOW THE LAW*. Of course I waited, but then I saw my bus on the road. I was like dang it.. the bus picks up all the other people. It was like a 4 way cross thing so that's how I missed it. I cross the street and there I am waiting in the sun for another 25 minutes waiting. Aghhhh

Nothing else really. \__(o_o)__/ 

OH YEA, Thanksgiving weekend coming up woo 5 1/2 day weekend!!!

Signing off - Watermeloneboi (this name is cringe)

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