A) Vent

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Oops I'm probably gonna vent a lot in this book because I'm always fucking sad

So I'm extremely fucking depressed rn

My mom yelled at me in the store all because I had an anxiety attack. Like geez mom thanks that's gonna help me

I tried venting in a group where the others were in and not a single one bothered. Fuck. Just as I expected.

No one gives a fuck about me so why should I give a fuck about myself? I don't anyways lol

I self harmed with my razor and my arm bleeded a lot but it didn't even hurt. I should do this to myself more often. Forget about trying to stop.

Also my girlfriend is sad so that makes EVERYTHING FUCKING WORSE

I made two other people who were part of a group I was in leave because I was venting. Damn I'm just ruining everything. As always lol

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