Chapter 19

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"Hi Mrs. Treasure" a cute little girl said tapping on my leg, I bent down to her examining her cute little face only to see big similarities.
"Girl she looks just like King" Fatima said causing the woman that the girl came in with to turn red and talk
"Y-Y-You- know king"? She asked stuttering

The woman honestly looked scared so I dropped the conversation by picking the little girl up placing her in my styling chair.
"What's your name" I asked
"Cute name for a cute girl" I complimented her

"Thanks ms. Treasure" she told me

"What do you want done to your beautiful hair mamas"? I asked her massaging her scalp.

She giggle at the touch of my fingers picking up a magazine pointing to the half up half down bantu knot style.
"This one" she smiled
I took her little hand walking her over to the hair wash station laying her back to wash her head

Moments into me washing her hair I heard the bell indicating someone had walked in.
"Where Treasure at Fat"? I heard King and my eyes popped
"Wassup bae" I heard Trell
"Where the fuck Genie at" Q screamed

I wrung the water from her long curly hair and wrapped a towel around it walking her little body back over to the chair to start her hair.
I began making a big part across her head separating the top and the bottom of her head.
"Who kid" King asked pulling on her cheeks

I ignored him parting her hair in three big sections—twisting her long hair into three short bantu knots.
"Damn youon' hear me" King grabbed my waist while I applied coconut gel to Paisleys hair that was left handing in the back

"King" we heard a voice and he snapped his head back quickly removing his arms from around my waist"What the fuck you doing here Erika remember what I told yo ass about being in my city" ? He threatened her

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"King" we heard a voice and he snapped his head back quickly removing his arms from around my waist
"What the fuck you doing here Erika remember what I told yo ass about being in my city" ? He threatened her

"Kin- I" he cut her off
"Man shut the fuck up and bounce shorty" he pushed her back
"King let her talk" I snapped at him giving him attitude, he knew exactly who the fuck to try

"What man" he looked at her
"I'm sorry King I didn't mean shit that I did to you" she whispered to stop all the guests from staring
"Hold on sweetie we're going to the back" I motioned for them to follow me

Once we got back there I put Paisley in the break room to watch Tv

and Erika continued talking
"King I know I was wrong but I had no other choice" she whined
"No other choice bruh? If you would've stayed down and showed me the same commitment you wanted I would've gave you a child nigga" he spat at her

"Ok I was wrong for using a baster to have a baby but King I had to keep you"
"So you mean to tell me you had no other choice than to trap me and bring an innocent child into the world just because you ain't like me fucking around with other bitches"? He questioned

"Yes King" she looked down
"So you brought a innocent ass child into this toxic ass relationship between us for what? I still don't want your ass and If she's mine I want full custody because if I am in her life you may use her to try to get at me" he told her

"You're not taking my child King" he laughed
"Bitch you basically took advantage of me! You should be in prison yuck mouth ass now get the fuck out and leave her here I'll find out you're whereabouts"

She walked out of the back door with tears running down her face
"King even though y'all not the best of friends you shouldn't take the child from her just work it out because maybe she's changed" I told him pulling his face down to mine kissing his plump pink lips

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