Page For School

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Hi I'm England. Im adopted by Wales and Scotland also North Ireland. Tomorrow I have school. I just moved to America. It's very how do you say it?? Un healthy. There are many Mc Gronalds here. Scotland and Wales are arguing downstairs. Why? I don't know really.. Maybe who's dropping me of at collage. I don't really know how to drive.. LOOK I KNOW IM OLD ENOUGH TO DRIVE .BUT I hate the teachers here..
Maybe I should go change.. Ya I don't wanna get in trouble with my un englished brothers..FLASH BACK TIME!!!

"So I heard this was a voice elevator." Wales says "We need to get to the floor Elevin."
"Right!" Scotland clears his throat "ELEVIN!" Scotland says.
"Please speak clearly and calmly.." the elevator says.

England time
Fun fact! I worked at a hotel at that time it was my first job at America
Back to the flash back!

"It's not working.We could try using a American accent." Scotland says.
"Good thinking! What does an American sound like?" Wales says.
"Hmm I think they would sound a ELOVIN!" Scotland yells in the Elevator.
"Please speak clearly and calmly." The elevator voice says.
"LET US OUT!!! YOU JUST A MC GRONALDS WORKER ARENT YOU!" Wales and Scotland both yell.
The Elevator door opens.  "Scotland? Wales? Get out."

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