Everyone deserves love

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There are times when I lie in bed trying to fall asleep and can't. My mind is running a mile per minute thinking about things. Welcome to world of insomnia. 
I reflect a lot sometimes that it's heart wrenching. I shed a tear or end up bawling my eyes out thinking about the why's. 

I have been told over and over again, I can be very patient, have a big heart, beautiful inside and out, understanding, and etc. Yet, I feel like people tend to forget that I am human with feelings too. I, too, get frustrated, annoyed, impatient, not so understanding.... I, too, went thru hardships trying to get to a place of peace and serenity. I try to be positive everyday, even if it's hard. I still put others before myself at times. I am very generous with my love... sometimes, it's too much that people take it for granted. 

All in all, I'm not always understanding, patient, or kind. I just end up putting my guard up once more, distancing myself, put a brave face, and keep on fighting for what's right for me and my sanity. 

Just know one thing... We all deserve the love that we give. Never lose yourself, never think you are unworthy of love... because everyone is lovable. It's just a matter of time when someone realizes that you shouldn't be taken for granted. And, if they do, it's their loss.

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