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so this is my first time writing a fanfic soo uhm, cut me some slack. i also don't capitalize my letters, so if that irks u so much maybe this ain't for u? anyway, enjoyyy

   jungkook, the popular sophomore student. he had the classic fuckboy look that had everyone swooning for him, except that he rarely dated anyone.

   he was already in his third week of high school. football season was coming in strong because of the great games their school presents. jungkook had even considered joining the team, but he decided not to because he didn't want to handle the burden of their winning streak.

   fast forward to today, jungkook's waiting at the bus stop for the bus to arrive. normally the freshman would sit in the middle of the bus, but because of his popularity, the seniors let him sit in the back. he slid into a seat next to his best friend, taehyung.

"yo, I haven't seen you in forever!"

   "we literally just saw each other yesterday, stop being dramatic tae."

   "wow, rude, anyway..... wanna go to the next game? we're going against keneck.

   "you're just asking me to bring you aren't you?"

"and what about it? if you take me i'll pay for your ticket."

"ah, the games are boring. last year we won almost all our games, so it's not fun to watch."

"cmoooon. yeah, no one watches the games, but it's still fun to just hang out, y'know?"

"ugh, fine, but you're gonna buy me food too."

"all this for a car ride?"

"what, you got gas money too?"

"geez, alright, stingy."

the rest of the bus ride consisted of them dissing each other and shit talking other students. when they arrived at school, they were greeted by high fives, those weird handshake guys do when they touch chests with each other, and some people even joining them for a conversation. taehyung had to leave to go to his homeroom, and everyone eventually dispersed when jungkook reached his locker.

"huh, and i thought you couldn't be more annoying, but you show up with 15 people buzzing around you."

jungkook closed his locker to see who said that, but he sensed that he already knew who.

"you're extra feisty this morning jimin, did you somehow become even shorter to where you're so close to the ground that you can hear satan talking to you?"

"one day your legs will snap under all that pressure, and then we'll see who's closer to hell."

"wow that wasn't so bad this time, keep those insults up and it may actually affect me sometime."

"stop being so snarky."

"stop being so short."

jimin and jungkook unknowingly began walking together to their first-period class and were shouting more insults toward each other until jimin realized what was going on and decided to call it quits when they arrived at their homeroom.

"so jungkook, are you gonna go to the game?"

"ugh, you too? why is everyone talking about a stupid football that no one will even watch?"

"becaaause dumbass, we're watching another kinda game if you get me."

"what the fuc-, i'm so confused. are you guys watching tennis??"

"huh? no, are you dumb?? it's the first game of the season, and almost everyone is gonna go, even tiny tots are going! that also means that we could probably score a bunch of girls numbers."

"that doesn't sound so bad... well i already promised tae a ride soi have to go already. besides, you had me at girls-"

the door slammed open and the oh-so-dreaded geometry teacher stormed in with one of the most malicious grins a 5'4 teacher could have.

"alright kids time to test your knowledge, pop quiz time."

everyone groaned in unison.

hopefully, that's alright for a first chapter?
i'm still trying to figure out how many words i want to fit into a chapter because i don't want to be running too long or be too short. feel free to give opinions

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