Hi my name is Scarlett and this is a story of my life so far now before you read some of this i want you to know there is suicide,death and some other things but yah welcome to my life.
It all started in 2013 i was 8 going in to 3rd grade i was happy till i learned my cousin committed suicide that year. My grandmother was getting to old to live and i was to brave to face the facts that a year before i was having abusive life. People ask me what was your favorite memory from when you where younger? My answer was nothing i never had a good memory from when i was younger. I meen i remember but they where not good memories. I remember when i was 4 my dad got taken away by the cops i remember crying with my mom on the front steps. I remember that i was the cause of the pain. I remember that i was just a maid to my mom and dad nothing more my brother was more of a good boy but what happened in 2013? My grandmother passed away my cousin killed himself. My dad had a 99% of dying and then me being mentally and physically abused thats what i remember from then i remember my brother taking advantage of me. I remember i wanted out but did not know how. I remember in 2014 my brother got sent away and i tried to forget about him i remember that i couldn't be open to anyone without them judging me. I remember in 2015 my dogs died a week apart and i remember that my grandfather made a promise he would be there on my 10th birthday i remember he couldn't make it because he passed away 2015 November 22. I remember my brother finally coming home and leaving again after my dad beat him. I remember that no matter how hard i wanted to die i couldn't. I remember that my aunt hated me and forgets me. I remember i just walked in a room with family and became invisible. I remember that i was forced to play with my cousin even though i was hurting. I remember that year when we went on vacation my cousin got in trouble and my ant made me sleep in a closet for the rest of the week i remember that i was bullied alot but did not care. I remember being called fat by my grandmother and saying i was fatter then my younger cousin even though she is fatter than me. I remember my family sent me away for 2 months and forgot about me. I remember that i was never loved at home. I remember that i tried killing my self 7 times. I remember that in 2016 i became anxious and still was called fat. I remember i got bullied in 2017 i remember that kids came up to me and told me to die i remember everyone took the other kids side over mine. I remember that i was/still am anxious. I Remember that i was abused u remember every bad detail and death in my family that i became who i am today.