Segment 165

42 9 6

Her point of view -
I feed the boys and leave the house for my appointment with Doctor Chanu. Midway at the signal I turn and head to Dad's house. I don't know what was going through my mind but i just wanted to be alone right now and nothing was better than my own home.
Dad's at work and that gives the whole house to myself. I park my car and head inside. I head to my bedroom and lie down eyes closed thinking about everything that has been happening.
His point of view-
I watch Pie feed the boys, cook lunch for them and leave in her car. She din't say a word to me except the usual hm she said when i wished her this morning. I am not sure what the problem is but it seems like we have hit a dry patch in our marriage.
Should i talk to her..? Or give her space..? I can't seem to make up my mind. What if talking to her gets us into a fight and makes matter worse. But if I give her space she might think that I don't care. I don't really know what to do..
Her point of view -
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I answered it half expecting it to be Dex.
"Wassup Pie cake .." Simin yelled into the phone . Since our meeting years ago we have been great friends. Chanu became a doctor and obviously she was my first choice when we got pregnant with Junior.
Simin was into modelling and would roam the country for projects. But whenever she was in the city she would drop by to see us and the kids.
"Nothing is good babe.."
"Why wassup..?"
"Wanna come over. I could really use a friend now."
"Sure. Is he at home..?" She asked referring to Dexy. She had the biggest crush on him. Like in a healthy way. Dexy too goes all flustered and shy when she would compliment him.
"Umm i am at my Dad's and he is at home with the boys.."
"Uh Ohh .. now that is not good text me the address .. i am coming right over.."
I quickly messaged her Dad's address and odered us some food.
As soon as she walked in i was engulfed in a big bear hug and squeezed tightly.
"I missed you cakey pie" she says. Simin has this thing of calling people with nicknames and she has lots of ideas. A lot of them. When she can't decide which one is the best, she uses them all..
"Me too Sim"
After we exchanged plesantries we situate ourself back on my bed under the blankets with food laid out on the side table.
"I was very hungry so i ordered . Hope you don't mind"
"Oh .. its for the best i guess.. i can't seem to decide what to eat.." she sighed.
We ate in silence. Both of us too hungry to talk.
"I am pregnant." I blurted and she looked at me shocked.
"Yea i think i am 8 weeks .."
"But Dexy din't say a word about it... i spoke to him last week.."
"He dosen't know.."
"What..? Why..?"
"We can't have this kid right now.. we are not ready..J.J is 3 .. junior 2 and one more will just be too stressful.." i explained.
She nodded in understanding.
"And also he was not conceived in the best way possible.. The father was drunk ." I admit
"So how does it matter both love each other and this is a child of love.."
"I just don't know how to feel about this.."
"You have to feel happy about it..  your family is growing.." she says .
"I guess ."
"Good .. because I am calling Dexy "
"No you're not . I want to spend some time alone."
"Knowing you I think its best thing to not give you more time to retreat in your shell.."
" I don't retreat into a shell.."
"Oh please .. then why are you hinding in uncle's house..?"
Okay she had a point and maybe i do tend to run away from my problem.
Coincidently my phone rings and its Dexy on the other side.
"Hello.." i answer and he takes a sharp intake of breath..
"You don't know how much i have missed hearing your voice my love.."
I stare blankly at Simin and she urges me to talk to him.
"Where are you baby..? Come home to us.." he pleads and my eyes well up..There is so much pain in his voice that it breaks my heart.
"Daddy when will mommy come home." I hear Junior in the background and thats when i loose it. Tears stream down my face.
"Are you crying .? Where are you .? I am coming to pick you up.." he says
Simin takes the phone from me and talks to Dexy. She brings me a glass of water and i put my head on her shoulder. I am so confused . I don't know what i am doing . I don't know what i want in life.. She rubs soothing circles on my back till my cries turns to hiccups.
"I am going to make you some lemonade that will help you remain hydrate. Its a must in pregnancy." She says before going down to the kitchen.
I lie down on the bed tired from all the crying. What is my life come to.? Everything was so good yesterday and today..

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