This is a time travelling romance story based on the life of two couples Eliza Nathalie Montefalco and Ethan Martin Montefalco. Just like any other family there are misunderstandings and fights between them, lies and hatred. But why do they have to...
Some say marriage should be taken seriously and whenever there's a problem you can share it with your spouse, because after all you two are now in one. But why do some couples often fight? Divorce? Annul?
If you marry a person that means you love that person, that you are willing to take the responsibility of what's about to come. But why do some people cheat on their spouse, lie, and abuse them? Do you call hurting as a means of love?
With one's selfish behavior not only can the other feel hurt but as well as the child.
If love takes time, then time shall be given. But do not abuse the chances, otherwise you'll regret in the end.
This is a time traveling romance story based on the life of two couples Eliza Nathalie Montefalco and Ethan Martin Montefalco. Just like any other family there are misunderstandings and fights between them, lies and hatred. But why do they have that, if they had filled an oath between them during marriage? Have they forgotten the love they had for each other? Orwastherenoloveatallsincethebeginning?
Turning back time with their future mind state, will they change their fate, destiny and love ones? Now that they're given a chance to go back to the past will they never cross paths anymore? Will they forget about each other and move on?
Iflovetakestime, then time shallbegiven...
HeydearreadersIdon'tknowhowyoufoundthisbookthough, butanywaysthankyousomuchforreadingthisandIhopeyou'llreadtilltheendofthestory. ThenameofthecharactersaremadebymeandifbycoincidenceImayhavethesamecharacternameasthoseofotherstorieswellthatistotallyaCOINCIDENCE (but please do tell me, I don't bite ^.~), placesandeventsinthestoryarepartofmyimaginationandnotrelatingtohappenings in reality. I'mnotspecificallydescribingsomeone'slife story butI'mpinpointingthisstorytothosepeoplewhoaremarried, inarelationshipandtothosesinglepotatoesoutthere.
Ihopethisstorywillserveasalessonthatyou'lltakeintoyourhearts. Becausetrustmewhenafamilyfightsthechildistheonewho'sgonna be reallyhurt, anddoyouwantthattohappen?
Also as we all know PLAGIARISMis a crime.
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So please if you see a copy of my story word per word, private message me ASAP. ^.^