My Point of view ( Earth)

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I am Earth . Some of you might laugh,how could a planet talk.? It's never necessary to express our feelings through words,because we can express our feelings through our actions or sign also . Like people who are unable to speak use sign language.
I have gone way to far . I am that mother,where my children grows under my care. Some don't have houses,they grow in my shelter. I am green . But the saddest thing is, my children who grew up within my care are polluting me.
I am filled with plastics in some places. They are cutting down tress . Carbon di oxide is increasing. Several species those are among my children are dying. My children is not only human,. It consists everything in the environment. It hurts seeing my children dying . But when I cannot tolerate anymore,there is natural disaster it creates much havoc. Plastics,they don't have life . I can't blame them . Because of my children, they (plastics) are polluting me . Several of animals which lives under water are dying. It's a curse for a mother to see her children die . My ice have been melt due to global warming.

The oceans are an important part of me . Through this river originates. Many of my children drinks water . But my oceans are being destroyed. Inside them, different children of mine are dying. I can't do anything. Some are being extinct. Each time I try to protect them I cannot.
Because I myself is at risk. Because of my chi....... I can't address them as my child. Cause a child can never think of harming their mother. Because of some humans, I am at risk . They are torturing me , by polluting my oceans,soil and wind .
Global warming is increasing and my children are creating problems for themselves.
It is tough for me to see my children suffer. But when they mix plastics with my soil, I wish I could destroy that plastic it destroys my soil .
Those who pollutes me they are not my children.They are just fools , because they are bringing damage for themselves and me . But some are trying best to protect me .

Again I can never ever differentiate between my kids . All are equal. But because of my present generation the future generation will suffer. Maybe by that time I will be lifeless, only heat and few animals will survive.  I will have to see my children suffering.

What will be worst for a mother. The climate change is happening, it's all cause of pollution and imbalance. I wish I could tell my children about how I am suffering.

They actually know, they only make plans. Some implements it, the others ignore. At last, maybe you don't consider me as your mother, I won't mind  . But at least think about yourself, before polluting me. Because if I get polluted you guys will suffer,which I won't be able to handle.

But I know deep inside all my children are very good .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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