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Time skip...

No one's P.O.V.

It was a week since Lloyd was back with the children!
He really didn't change much trough that time!
He still was smal, cute, childish and much more!

Right now Lloyd was going through some old clothes and ninja gi's!

He suddenly remembered that costume which Kai gave him! And aswell with that he remembered that Kai and he didn't 'see' each other for a year!

Lloyd ran out of the room and went to the others! Everyone was in the living room!

Lloyd:" Kai! I need you to go and buy some more diapers!"

Kai:" Lloyd.... Can't someone else do that?"

Lloyd:" Kai! These are your children not Jay's or Cole's! If they were there then they would go  to get the diapers! But they are your's so this is your response belittle to buy then things!"

Kai:" Okay okey jeez...."

Kai stood up and went out of the room and after  what he left the bounty!

Lloyd:" So! Guys! I need you all to leave for the rest of the day."

Jay:" Why wou-"

Jay was cut off by Nya's hand on his mouth!

Nya:" Of course Lloyd! We will take the kids with us as well so they don't disturbed both of you! You just need to transport some of your milk into bottle! You know that they don't want anything else yet!... Do you need help with anything?"

Lloyd :" No! I think I got this! Thanks!"

To be continued...

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