Trigger warning!
Self harm, depressive episode, and suicidal thoughts
Please kalo kamu sensitif ato trauma sama yang kaya gitu, stop disini.
Pink sayang kalian dan pink gamau trauma kalian kambuh, oke?Take a piece of my heart,
And make it all your own
So, when we are apart,
You'll never be alone.-Never Be Alone, Shawn Mendes.
"Oh Goodness, Kevin—"
(Marcus sees Kevin's story and feeling the need to talk with his baby)
(Marcus rushes his car as fast as possible since the street is so quiet)
"I-iya Koh."
"Kamu dikamar kan, sayang?"
"Ya ampun, Kevin!"
(when Marcus gets into Kevin's room, the view was so terrifying—
razor, cutter, knife, tissues covered up with blood, matches was all around Kevin who was sitting on his bedroom's floor, burying his face into his knee)
↪untitled [local ships]
Short Storymarvin; joting; fajri; baysan; sns!au rate tergantung request. kapal lokal alert! homophobic minggat ya. halu boleh, bego jangan.