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I dreamt a lot that day oddly enough, and it all involved Bree. It was like she was haunting my dreams from the grave, just like we'd joked about as kids. She used to joke around and try to scare me by saying,

"When I die, I'm going to become a ghost and haunt your dreams."

I always came back with, "With that face, they won't be dreams they'll be nightmares!" And she'd laugh and lightly slap my arm, because she knew I was only joking along with her.

Now, it was a blessing to dream of her. I used to complain a lot when I was younger, about pretty much everything about her and I. She'd always compliment me, but I'd just reject them because I was stubborn, and knew she had the looks of teenage models, and young actresses.

I complained because she always had long hair, colored skin, and she was the appropriate height for her age.. Me on the other hand always had short hair that seemed incapable of growth, deathly pale skin, and I was the height of a eighteen year old. Kind of like Esme.

In the past years I've missed her more than anything. I missed making her laugh when she came over upset on most days, and I missed when she'd read me books that were too old for me. I loved her for treating me like I wasn't the bratty child my mother thought I was.

And it showed, "Bree." I groaned, as someone poked me to get up. I tried smacking their hand away but they were quick.

"Its Rosalie, actually.." They stated into the darkness, I opened my eyes quickly. In the blackness, I could just the faintest glow of her golden hair. She gave me an awkward smile.

"Sorry.." I said sheepishly, embarrassed that I called her Bree. She shrugged lightly, her gold curls bounced. "What time is it?"

"Around four a.m." She stated casually, my eyes just about popped out of my skull.

Man, can I sleep!

She walked out with ease, and grace. I followed the walking image of perfection. Everyone was up, and they didn't even look tied at all. Except, Jacob. He was dressed in Pajama bottoms, an old band shirt, and two different shoes. I stifled a giggle.

"Oh shut up! It was really dark, and I'm really tired." He informed me, I shrugged looking around to find why I was up so early. Unless they were kicking me out..

Wait, then why's Jacob here? They're not sending him with me are they?! That'd be torture!

"Come on, guys we gotta get on the plane!" 'Nessie' said very excitedly, Jacob and I looked at her as if she were insane.

What teen in their right mind would be happy to be woken up at four in the morning?

"Are you even human?" I found myself asking out loud, receiving many looks from the Cullen's. "Seriously, not even he looks excited." I pointed at Jacob, who yawned loudly.

The Cullen's relaxed, "Well we should be going. Its going to be quite the drive." Esme stated, Nessie's smile faltered just a bit.

"No plane?" She asked like she had just tasted something sour, I shook my head thinking to myself.

Poor kid, does she even know where Portland is?

"No plane, I told its just a drive." Bella informed her, Ness slouched slightly after hearing that.

The rest smiled slightly and walked, Jacob and I, to where they kept their cars. It was amazing, they had so many nice looking cars. I felt like I was dreaming again.

"You will come with us, and take my car." Alice told me, I looked around trying to guess which one was hers. My eyes landed on two cars, a red BMW M3 Convertible, and a yellow Porsche 911 turbo.

"I'm guessing its the yellow one." I guessed, she smiled. Jasper only nodded, a faint hint of a smile on his face. The both walked toward it as I saw Edward and his little family (including Jacob) get into a silver Volvo. "Brilliant."

I got into the car, which was really nice looking might I add. Alice drove with Jasper in the passenger seat beside her. I fell asleep watching those two communicate silently.

Don't judge me! I am a teen, and we teens tend to sleep.. a lot.


Another chapter, as promised!

To me this is kind of short but I'll write again soon.

Do you guys like Autumn?

If you do (or don't!) I'd still like to know, who do you think her closest friend is going to be?

Okay.. Well Thank you very, very much!

I'll be posting •••

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