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in the morning, corbyn is woken by being dragged roughly out of bed. he gasps as a large hand takes hold of his hair, using it to throw him to the ground. "jonah—"

"what the hell, corbyn?" jonah cuts him off, holding up a slip of paper. "what is this?"

corbyn pales, recognising the paper. a guy in his college class had slipped it to him, mouthing call me with a shy smile before dashing away. "i—it's nothing, babe, i swear. some random guy gave it to me. i was going to throw it away, i promise, i didn't even put his number in my phone, you can check."

"if you were going to throw it away, why didn't you?" jonah sneers, and corbyn looks up at him, crumpled in a heap at his feet.

"i misplaced it, i didn't know where it went."

"bullshit!" jonah spits, his hand flying through the air and landing on corbyn's cheek. the sound of flesh striking flesh echoes through the room, and corbyn sobs, ducking his head down and curling his arms around himself.

"i'm sorry, i love you, you know you're the only one i love, i would never do anything with anyone else, i—" corbyn cuts himself off with a gasp of pain as jonah kicks him in the side, hard. he does it again, and corbyn shrinks away, tears beginning to stream down his face.

"jonah, no, please," he begs, and jonah tears the slip of paper to pieces, tossing them all over the floor

"clean it up," he growls. "and i had better not find out you're being a slut and throwing yourself at guys other than me."

"i'm not, i'm sorry," corbyn sniffles, scrambling to pick up the pieces of paper scattered on the floor.

jonah turns and storms out of the room, not sparing corbyn a second glance, and corbyn bites back a sob. he shakily pulls himself to his feet, stepping over the to garbage bin and uncurling his shaky hand to let the pieces of paper float down into it.

a single piece of paper misses the garbage can, and corbyn picks it up, the messy scrawl catching his eye.


corbyn tosses it into the bin, silently mouthing the name to himself. he'll have to ask his friend zach if he knows this daniel.

corbyn slips into the bathroom, examining himself in the mirror. after washing any trace of tears from his face, he hesitantly steps out of the bathroom.

jonah looks up from where he's seated in front of the tv, and his face softens when he sees corbyn. "c'mere, babe," he invites, holding out his arm, and corbyn doesn't hesitate, sinking onto the couch next to his boyfriend and burying his face in his shoulder.

"i'm sorry, corbs," jonah murmurs. "i just can't stand the thought of you with any other guy."

"of course not," corbyn agrees softly, shakily. "i only love you."

"and you'd never leave me," jonah reasons, his arm tightening around corbyn ever so slightly.

corbyn swallows hard, and shakes his head.

"of course not."

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