I'm So Alone

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I really like you

Don't ever leave me

The country's a mess

Too expensive to breathe

Nothing's appealing

Life has no sense

Where am I going?

What's the point of anything?

Do I really need this?

Is this where I'm going?

Who's the real me?

Where's my future?

Where's my true love?

Does he think about me?

I'm so alone

I can't touch my friends

Too far away

I need a hug

Let's have lunch together

Let's sing a song

I'm so alone

Yet I wanna live on my own

Parents' house's a trap

Don't get me wrong, living here's OK but I want my own space

Freedom I long for you

My own space, my own time, my own me

I'll water the plants whenever I want

I'll wash the dishes tomorrow, need no fuss

Silent breakfast

Contemplating the sun

Play guitar in the backyard

Watch my dog eating grass

Just in my thoughts

I'm still alone

I'm so alone



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