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After I got ready and had breakfast I went to go find Niall again. It wasn't very hard because I found him in the kitchen eating from the fridge. "Hey," I said," whatcha doing there?"

" eating," he said," come here and try this Mac and cheese. It's really good." I went to the fridge and took out the Mac and cheese, heated it up in the microwave and took a bite of it. " yummy." I said, giving Niall a big, cheesy smile. He laughs and says," I saw some cupcake mix, want to make some cupcakes?"

I looked around and saw that everybody had left the house," sure."

We started to make the cupcakes but Niall kept eating from the bowl. He stuck his finger in the mix bowl and wiped it all over my face. "ahh!" i screamed and put the mixing spoon on his cheek and it stuck their for about 5 seconds. We both were laughing and making a mess. We ended up making only two cupcakes cause all the batter was on us. We got two spoons and used them to lick the sides of the bowl. This time Niall got his spoon stuck on my face and he laughed histerically. I smiled and laughed too. We stopped laughing and he started to come close to my face. Was he going to kiss me?

My dad walked into the kitchen," what happened in here?" I guess not everybody was out of the house.

" we were making cupcakes, Dad."

"Well clean this up before anyone else sees it." me and Niall started to clean up the kitchen. When the cupcakes were done we ate them together and laughed about the most random stuff.

I took a shower and changed into something that didn't have cake all over it. When I came back outside I saw that everybody had come back from wherever they were.

" Hey, where were y'all," I said.

"my dad wanted to take us somewhere. Sorry you couldn't come but you were still sleeping." I knew Liam was sorry so I forgave him easily. At least I was with Niall for a while.

"Have you seen the new Dark night?" Zayn said.

"No I've been busy," I said.

"We can watch it together tonight," Harry suggests.

" sure I'd love to see it again," I hear Niall say and I turn around to see him behind me. Had he been there the whole time? Probably not.


It was late,about 10:30, when we went to the movies. Liam payed for all of us and got a hug from both Danielle and I. The seating arrangement was this: dani, Liam, Niall, me, Harry, louis, Eleanor, and Zayn. The lights went down and the movie started. When I would jump at some parts Harry would grab my hand and I'd squeeze it. Niall was eating out of my popcorn box. At one part I got really scared and dug my head into Niall. He put his arm around me and whispered," it's ok." I know I'm scared really easily but that's just me.

After the movie I got a text from my uncle, call me as soon as you read this. I called him and listened.

*****Niall's POV- Alex was on the phone. I don't know if she's the one but she was still really amazing. I saw the color leave her face. She started crying. No, she was bawling. Liam went over to her and tried to hug her but she ran away from him screaming," No!"

**** **** ****

She didn't stop running. "Slow Down!" we yelled, but she kept running. She finally stopped at a bench at the end of all the stores. Of course Harry was the first to get to her. He wrapped his arms around her and said," What's wrong sweetheart?"

" he-he's gone."

"who's gone?"

"m-my dad," she sobbed," my uncle said that he had been struggling with heart problems for the past few months and just a few minutes ago his heart stopped."

" aw, sweetheart its going to be ok," Harry said trying to comfort her.

"no it's not going to be ok!" she yelled and pushed away from Harry. She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me, I did the same.

" I just can't believe he's been hiding all this from me," she said. I held her and brushed her hair with my hand as we walked back to the bus. I laid her on one of the beds and let her be till we got back.

***Alex's POV- I woke up in my bed. I remembered yesterday and cried. I heard a knock on my down. It was Danielle and Eleanor. " we're so sorry for your loss," Eleanor said.

"we hope you feel better," Danielle said.

Thanks but I really want to be alone," I said.

"sure" they both said and left. I tried falling asleep again. Maybe this was all a dream and I'd wake up in Texas, but sadly it wasn't. Without knocking someone else walked in but I ignored whoever it was. Hoping that they would leave. It was Harry. He came and laid down next to me. He wrapped his arm around me. This cheered me up a little. I felt safe in his arms. We didn't do anything bad, we just laid there. He kissed my cheek and we both drifted back to sleep.


We both sorta woke up at the same time. Harry left and I took a shower and changed. I went downstairs, my uncle came up to me," the funeral will be tomorrow at sundown." I nodded and tried to keep all of the emotions running inside me well, inside.

I went to the fridge and took out the bucket of ice cream. From being around Liam so much I ate my ice cream with a fork. I sat on the living room couch and turned on the Tv. I watched The Last Song alone. Everybody knew to leave me alone. My ice cream was strawberry flavored, me and my dad's favorite flavor. I cried and continued eating. By the end of the movie I had eaten 1 gallon of ice cream. I walked over to the fridge for another 1/2 gallon and Niall was standing there blocking the door. "we're out. Want me to get you some more?"

"sure, my favorite flavor is strawberry." he smiled at me and lightly kissed my forehead.

"sure thing babe." I was frozen. His smile. It was so familiar, as if from a dream. I must've looked really stupid cause Niall smiled again. He left and I sat on the couch. Thoughts were swinging through my mind. Was that him? It could've been anybody's smile and Niall has braces. I went to my dad's room on his night stand was a piece of paper. It said; 'Dear Alex, for the past 10 months I've had serious heart problems. My heart could stop anyway now. I've been hiding this because I love you. U don't need anything else laid on you. You are such I strong girl. If I die and you find this I want you to know I love you. You are an amazing daughter. You've been through so much the past two years. Never give up hope. Everything will be fine. Please don't erase this week with the boys from your mind. You seem todo that when something bad happens to you. Just like the cruise. The boys will help you in anyway possible.'

The cruise? I tried as hard as I could to remember every second of it. Boarding, cancun, Cozumel, at sea days, and now who was the owner of that smile. I finally remembered; " I'm Niall, your a great singer,"

"you are too, you should try out for xfactor or something," I remember hearing my mom calling me for dinner. " my name is Alex by the way."

I couldn't believe it. I was Niall's Alex, his mystery girl, the girl he had wanted to find for 2 years. I had to call him!

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