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~ Brad's POV ~ 

I woke up the next morning in Tris's arms. I smiled to myself, we weren't even dating and still I woke up in his arms almost every single day. Immediately I thought about what I had said yesterday:   "I promise I will tell you very soon, I just need to prepare myself."

How  am  I ever going to tell him that I'm in love with him?

I barely knew how to function in a relationship, let alone a relationship that is formed from a friendship with your best friend. I tried to calm myself down by breathing in and out a couple of times, which worked. I stared at the ceiling, getting lost in my own thoughts. I thought about how I would tell him, why and most importantly, where. I started off with thinking about how I would tell him. 

Should I be straightforward or be a little more mysterious?

I immediately chose for straightforward. I also wouldn't like it if someone confessed to me in some sort of mysterious way, I just want it to be clear. I started thinking about the way I would tell him. Anywhere would be romantic, but I think it would be best if I took him to a different place away from our tent. 

Maybe I should ask James for advice.

James does give some good advice most of the times, but that also means that he would know my secret. I started to contemplate about what I should do, when suddenly Tris woke up. I looked at him, smiling and wishing him a good morning. "Good morning Tris, slept well?" It took him a few seconds before he realised what was going on. He then slowly nodded. My smile got wider at his answer. 

God I love this boy too much for my own good. 

I combed with my fingers through his blond locks, still smiling. That's when I even shocked myself with my own words: "Tris, I'm going to tell you what I want to say this night." He looked at me with his eyes wide open. "Really? I can't wait!" He looked very surprised, but at the same time he looked as if he expected it. I got kind of confused by his look, but decided to ignore it. I didn't think of a place yet, where I would tell him. 

Once again I got lost in my own thoughts, thinking about where I would tell Tris. I kinda threw myself under the bus with this. I sighed, then got up to brush my teeth and get dressed. I didn't know the plans for today yet, but I knew that I had to plan something else. I walked up to James's and Kirstie's tent, to ask what we would be doing today. I called out to James, to ask if I could speak to him for a moment. He walked out of the tent sleepily, asking: "What's up?"

I hesitated for a second, not even knowing why. I asked him what we would be doing today. He scratched his head, not really knowing either. "Maybe we could have a leisure day today and go swimming in the lake nearby." My eyes widened at that. "That's actually a really good idea, let's ask the others what they think!" I thanked him and walked to our tent to ask Tris. 

"Tris, James had the plan of going swimming today, what do you think?" I asked, hopeful. His face lit up and he immediately responded: "Yesss I wanna join!" I smiled at him again, suggesting that we should pack our bags. He nodded in response, and we started packing our bags with some music in the background. My mind started drifting off again, and before I knew I was thinking about confessing again. I really screwed myself over with this. Why did I ever decide to say that I would tell him today? 

I am so not prepared. 

After maybe fifteen minutes we were done packing our things. Yes, that is a very long time, but we got distracted by chatting about random crap okay? We walked out of our tent to meet with the others to go to the lake nearby. I greeted everyone and we started to walk to the forest, where the lake was situated. The view was beautiful, and I had to say I really appreciated that we were on a roadtrip. I didn't do that a lot, taking the time to appreciate where we were. I looked around me, thinking about how lucky I got to be here. 

Wow that's really cheesy I'm sorry.

As we got closer to the lake, the forest got denser, and it really felt like we were being submerged in another world. We reached the lake after a couple more minutes, and I was amazed by what I saw. The water was crystal clear and you could see the smooth, rounded pebbles that covered the bottom of the river. I felt very calm, not thinking about anything at the moment. I just kept on looking at the view. The silence was broken when Tris said: "Let's stop looking and let's get into the water!" Everyone agreed with him and we quickly took of our clothes, our swim clothes were under them. We ran towards the water and jumped in, a cool wave hitting all of us. There were gentle breezes of warm wind, which added a lot to the atmosphere. 

I started feeling almost, euphoric? I don't know, I just felt really happy and thankful to be here in the moment and I kind of wished that it could stay like this forever. No struggles, worries or other things or people bothering you with anything. At one point there was a deer that stuck his head out of the bushes, checking whether or not the coast was clear. I have to say, it surely was a daring deer. It got closer to us, drinking from the water. I was fascinated by its actions. 

The peace was interrupted when James started splashing around with water. "WATER FIGHT!" he yelled, flailling his arms around him. I started laughing, splashing back with water. Soon enough we were in a heavy fight, water splasing everywhere. Everyone was splashing along, our laughter filling the air. The fight slowly died down, as we, one by one, got tired. I started to just float on my back on the water. I gazed at the sky, watching as the clouds slowly drifted by. 

We spent most of our afternoon like this, chilling and casually talking. Time flew by really fast and before we knew we had to go back to our camp, otherwise it would be too dark to see where we'd be going. During our trip back to our camp, the sun started to set. The sky turned beautiful tones of red, orange and even a little bit of purple. I loved sunsets, and it was honestly something I could watch every single night and never get tired of in any way. We finally returned back to our camp, everyone still tired.

For dinner we decided to eat at the camp. We had some easy things that we could prepare, and we all were too tired to head to a restaurant. Tris and I went to our tent first to clean up and change into some warmer clothes, as it started to get a bit colder already. It all started in silence, until Tris decided to ask me when I would tell him what I wanted to say. 

That's when I realised that I still had to tell him about my feelings for him. I immediately got out of my calm phase and started to panick internally. I told him that I would tell him after dinner, so that I had some more time to prepare. I started to think about different ways of telling him, but I finally settled on one way of telling him. 

A/N: Okay so I owe you guys an apology, since it's been like three weeks since I last updated. I've got some okay excuses, but it comes down to me being on an exchange and the testweek. The testweek has been good if you were wondering :) The exchange was a lot of fun, but it means I didn't have the time to update my story, unfortunately. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm working on the next few :)

Oh and also, I'm probably updating on the weekends, so either on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. 

 X Ally

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