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~ Tris's POV ~ 

Even though it has only a few days since I asked Brad to be my boyfriend, it felt like we've been together for years. It was morning, and I stared up at the ceiling, waiting for Brad to wake up. I wanted to ask him something important. We still haven't told anyone that we were in a relationship, and it felt like we should tell them soon. They had the right to know, since we've been friends for so long. 

My thoughts started wandering off, as I started thinking about how to tell the others, if Brad agreed with my idea. I knew that they were very accepting, and even though Con sometimes looked a little stern, we all knew that he was the softest one of the bunch. James always showed his emotions, which was great. And very brave, might I add. He was always the first one to show when he was happy, sad or something else. He knew he could count on us, and always told us that we could count on him as well. It made life a lot easier, to be able to talk to James whenever we could.

That's when a bit of guilt crept into me. I hadn't talked to him about my struggles with Brad. I started thinking about whether or not he would feel offended if I told him that I never went up to him to talk about this. My heart started pounding a little faster, and I got a little bit anxious about what he would want to say. I breathed in, then out, then in again. My heartrate slowed down a little bit, and I felt less nervous. I told myself that this was not the time to panic. I just went on this little tangent that James was very accepting and open, so I told myself, that even though I didn't go up to him, he still would be accepting of me. He would be happy for the both of us, right?

Yeah he would be. 

Suddenly I felt Brad moving around under the blanket, and I glanced at him. He started to wake up, finally. It probably didn't take that long, but it seemed like it had been hours before he woke up. I smiled at him when he opened his eyes, and he smiled back, making my heart flutter. I really hoped that Brad would agree with my plan and that he wouldn't have any problems with opening up to Con and James about our relationship. I don't know what got over me, but I decided that I would want to tell the others this morning.

"Good morning Braddie, I want to ask you something.." He looked at me, smiling sleepily. "What is it that you want to tell me babe?" he asked. My heart jumped at the word babe, I still had to get used to it, which might sound stupid but yeah. I started off slowly: "Okay, so you know how we haven't told anyone about us yet?" He looked at me, his eyes widening once he realised what I meant with that. After that, he slowly nodded. "Yeah, I've been thinking about that too, because I felt super guilty about not telling the others.." 

I realised soon enough that we were both on the same page about this, and that we could tell the others today. I took a deep breath and asked Brad: "So, do you want to tell them today?" He nodded in agreement, and that is when we decided to cuddle up and sleep in just a little bit longer. But only a little bit. Or maybe a lot more, 'cause all this thinking made me tired. 

I didn't know how much time went by, but after a while, James stepped into our tent to wake us up. He smiled when he saw us cuddling, which made me slightly anxious, but it just confirmed my feeling about him being accepting. I nudged Brad, to see if he was awake. He shot up, as if he just woke up from a nightmare. James looked concerned, and I tried to communicate to him that everything was fine. I tried to calm Brad down, to see what was going on. I whispered to him to ask what was going on. He just shrugged it off and told me that he would tell me later. That's when he whispered something that slightly shocked me: "Do you want to tell him first?" I nodded as an answer.

I started off slowly: "Good morning James, there is actually something we want to tell you. Come closer please." I realised right after how creepy that sounded. Regardless, James came closer and sat down on our bed. "What is it that you want to tell me? What happened??", he sounded worried. We calmed him down, telling him that it wasn't that serious, but that it could be kinda shocking. He instantly relaxed, now fully focussed on what we were about to say. 

I decided to break the news to him: "So, what we wanted to tell you guys, for a couple of days now, is that we are.." James was not having the cliffhanger. "YOU ARE WHAT?" He realised that he was screaming and covered his mouth in shock. We all started laughing and I continued the sentence. "SO, we are in a relationship. That's it."  It seemed like had to process what he heard, but I could see that he was accepting it. "Hmm, I'm actually gonna go ahead and say that we could all tell that something was going on between you guys, but we couldn't figure out if you guys were actually in a relationship. So, I'm gonna tell the news to the others and claim the money that I am supposed to win in the bet! I'll see you at breakfast and get there asap please!"

I laughed, not sure how to react. They kind of knew about us, but they weren't sure about it? What was that even supposed to mean? I looked at Brad, seeing a look of pure shock on his face. I knew that it was something that we had to process, but it would turn out just fine. I got up and changed my clothes, so we could go to the breakfast table. Brad decided he would just have breakfast in his pyjamas.

As we walked up to the breakfast table, the others started cheering as soon as they saw us. I smiled as my heart warmed up to the idea of being accepted by the others. As soon as we got close enough to the table, everyone started congratulating us. It felt strange, but somehow also familiar. It was great to be able to finally move on after Ana and I broke up. It really hit me hard, but I knew that it would turn out okay, and it did. We took up our spots at the breakfast table, and as we started eating, it seemed like it had always been this way. 

Everything seemed so familiar, as if Brad and I had been together for a lot longer and as if the others had always known about us. Oh boy, how I loved being friends with them. 

A/N: WOW WE HIT 1,2k reads! Thank you guys so much, from the bottom of my heart. I know I have not been active at all, but it's the end of the year, so it's really busy at the moment, but I'll try to be more active after I am done with school for the year. I was super surprised when I came back to WattPad and saw that this story hit 1,2k reads. I'm honestly so happy and could not be more thankful for the support. Thank you guys so much for all the support and love, I truly appreciate everything you guys have done! Enough with all the sappy sh*t, but I do truly appreciate everything. I hope that I'll be able to write some more, but I have to be honest and say that I haven't thought about writing much, so I guess it might be a few weeks till the next chapter.

Thank you for all your patience and I'll see you on the next chapter!

X Ally

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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