First Kiss On Our Wedding Day

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One hundred and fifty years had breezed past quickly . I had gotten more and more invitations from my prince to show up to the balls and feasts that they had held for the smallest reasons. For example one was was for the return of the King after a sucessful battle against the elves of Yoewn.

After words , every single time, The two of us would sneak into the garden that his mother had created for her sons. The garden is full of plants from different worlds that her husband returns to her. The area is darker with lighten up flowers floating up in the sky of different colors. In the middle of the garden was a bench painted white with Corksprouts from Svartalfheim : Round tiny little buds that still need to grow large and radient.

It's where we had our first night together after we first met. The two of us had sat down on the bench. At first I was rather distracted by the floating colored flowers, Loki seemed to be amused by my facination about his mothers plants. He had joked that her mother and I would get along just fine.

He was however correct. I had gotten myself in a deep connection with Frigga more then his father. She would often invite me for tea with her and Sif, two girls that I grown to adore dearly over this peroid of time.

You know what else had grown? My love for my Asgardain Prince. Each time we see eachother, we gotten more and more close and saw eachother more frequently. Each time I had seen him, I seen a teenage boy inside full of joy. He also acted like one when he was with me.

I can't lie that I feel the same way for him. He would have been my lover even if it wasn't arranged, his love is very strong and romantic towards me. He sometimes makes me forget that it was even arranged in the first place. His charms make me feel as if I was stuck in paradise with no chance of returning into reality. He makes the cruel reality no longer exist with his touch.

But our story was going to get deeper and deeper as the big day was arriving quickly. There was so much to be done before the wedding: food preparation,the dress, my hair and finally the most important thing that a future couple should be worried about. But Loki promised that he would deal with it for me.

He wanted to make my crown.

The day arrived quickly and everything was set up for me. The dress was red and see through , something that I wouldn't usually wear on a occasion like this . It was tradition for a woman to wear a dress like this so be it. My Father had snuck in and given me my mother's back fur cape that she had worn on their wedding day. It had looked lovely for the occasion. Sif had shewed him out as soon as she laid eyes on him as she wanted to be the one who would prepare me for my big day.

She had known my secret well. She had supported it and would hide it very well so no one else would discover it. I promised her one day that I would take her to help me.

Her fingers had weaved my hair into a long white high braid. My bangs were pulled back gracefully and shown my forhead birthmark similar to what my mother had . Every single accient Knowain holds this mark on a differnt part of their face. My fathers is from his bottom lip to chin.

Sif turned me beauitful. I seen a radient woman in the mirror who is going to become Queen one day. My friends smile grew even wider when she had seen me. I was going to say something to her but we were interupted by Frigga's knock on the door.

"Ava? It's time." She said .

That's when I had realised that I was going to be the wife of a handsome man. Not a prince, my prince. Nothing is ever going to be the same after this moment. I had stood up and kept my balance from the high heels that I was wearing. Sif had stood next to my side so close that we could almost touch hands . She had noticed that my legs were stumbling as I never worn high heels before. So she had gently held onto my hand until we had went to the doors.

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy/ Thor Crossover Book Three Of Marvel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now