Cant i get a break?

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HIIIII ive just got a new charger as mine broke so here is the next chapter ENJOY!!!

 Stood right infrount of me was Katerina my sister were ever she goes trouble follows her, "Katerina what are you doing here?" i asked her "Well little sister rumour has it that your emotionless i wanted prove and then i hear you got in a spot of trouble with cold ones and i can see both are true and i also see your with a original how... cleshay (AN soz if spelt wrong) as i'm still running from Klaus" she replied "well i think you should run some more as nik is here with all the others as well" i said glaring at here " Izzy , all i want to know if it's true about you and one of the Mikealsons...?" she said looking pained i raised my eybrow as to say 'what are you on about' "... you beeing married to one of them?" she asked with a look of betrayel in her eyes,

"yes it true im married to kol but why does it matter i havent seen you in god knows how long so dont look at me like that Katerina i love him and his family are the family i never had. BEkkah is a brilliant best friend and a sister you wasn't as you keot running i could of talked to nik for you but you ran so i couldnt have a relationship with you.Then there nik and Elijah and also finn brilliant older brothers i couldnt have and then Kol a brilliant husband who helps me through thin and thick and then he gets daggered i was broken, so there katerina or Katherin what ever you go by that is my family what i never had" with that i looked at bekkah "Clubbing?" she smirked at me and nodded "Bella love you arent allowed to go drinking your to young so i refuse to let you go Drining with this so called sister of yours you will come with me and my family amidiatly" Eddie said grabbing my arm "MY WIFE ISNT GOING ANYWERE WITH YOU FAIRY"  i hear at the end of the allyway "hey babe" i said "hey love and sister" he replied and saw my sister "Katerin who... lovely to see you now Ed let go of bells or your head will be my baseball" he said he unwillingly let me go "isabella you will be mine" he said and they zoomed of i walked over to kol and wrapped my arms around his necked and kissed him "Thanks love" i said "no problem." he replied "im not up to clubbing anymore so come on bekkah lets go home and rest then shopping tomorrow bye Katerina i'll see you when ever as i suppose you'll want to leave she nodded and zoomed of. Well that was pleasent i thought "come on" i got in to my car and zoomed home before bekkah and kol got in there car i beat them both i got out of my car laughing.

When i got in the house i saw Elijah, NIk and Marcel were talking about god knows what i plopped next to nik and but my legs across him and to his scotch "Thanks nik" he just glared at me "carry on" i said waving my hand "Isa where is Bekkah and Kol?" ELijah asked "donno i beat them here just carry on" he nodded. "OK well marcel as i was saying we have a couple of witches that work for me and i found out about you 'no witches using magic' rule and you have help finding the witches but i would like my witches full rain on using magic aslong as i or the rest of my family including Isa gibes them permission. so what do you say?" he asked marcel looked at me "i..." he began when there was a loud bang "ISABELLA" Kol called "yes love?" i asked he came in to the room followed by bekkah who was trying not to laugh "i had to ride with bekkah singing whilest you got in your car and left" he said and then bekkah broke and burst out laughing "oh shush there in a meeting" kol glared at me and me being the responasable adult i am stuck my tounge out "sorry Marcel carry on" i said and he smiled at me "Well as i was saying that is fine Niklaus as long as its under your permission i must be going now, Bye Isabella" he kissed my hand "Seeya Marcel" i replied "bye Mikelasons" he said and nodded at them and left.

Kol didnt look really happy with niklaus "pst bekkah i think Kol Jealouse" i said and we both giggled "im going to bed night" i called "Night bells" they called whilest i was going up i felt some one lift me up over there shoulder "hey kol" i said "hi love" he replied Chuckling "nice backside" i replied "thanks yours isnt bad ither" he replied laughing. When we was in our room i got in a silk shorts and crop top and laied on the bed waiting for kol he came from bathroom and got under blanket and i snuggled in to his side when my phone beeped i looked at the number and it was unknown i looked confused i opened the message and it read 

HEllo isabella its Marcel i was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tomorrow? xoxo 

Sorry, but no im married ad i dont want to go on dates ~IPM

OK xoxo~M

"you ok love" kol asked "yes marcel asking me out " i replied when kol huffed "dont worry i declined his offer" i said "Good" he said i laughed when there was another beep "URGH"

Bella please love come back to me and alice and the rest of thae family we all miss you xxx~Edward

No Edweired leave me alone ~IPM

"AHHHH cant i get a break" i huffed "you ok" kol wispered "yes just tired" i said and leaned against his chedst as he wrapped his arms around my waist and i fell asleep.

I hope this chapter is ok please give me insperation of what i can do in the Chapters xoxo


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