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soft_star duhhhhh12345 I think I may be ready for my irl friends to read my shit writing so... here you go. You don't have to but... yeah. Also, it's a shit title but it's all I could think of at the moment so... yeah. I hope y'all like it.

Steve's POV

"NAT!!!" I yelled. I dropped my backpack and ran up to my best friend, wrapping my arms tightly around her. Her rare, but genuine, laugh filled my ears as I lifted her off her feet and spun her in circles.

Someone who didn't know the two of us would think that we were dating, or at least interested in each other. They wouldn't know that we had been friends since we were in diapers, even during the time Nat spent living in Russia. They were unaware that the thought of being involved romantically with one another almost repulsed us. And, of course, everyone but myself didn't know that Nat was actually interested in one of our other friends, Clint Barton.

"Nice to see you, Stevie," she said through laughs as I set her down. I glared at Nat and rolled my eyes.

"You know I hate that name."

"Yep! That's why I say it!"

"How was camp?" I ask, walking up to the library alongside her. I held up my hand to high-five Wade Wilson, a quirky but nice junior that was in my math class last year.

"Hey Rogers," he said. I smiled at him and slapped him on the back as he passed.

"Hey, Wilson! You in calculus this year?" I asked.

"You know it!" he yelled back. I gave a short wave, turned back around, and ran to catch up with Nat.

"Steve Rogers. So popular," Nat said in a fake adoring voice. I punched her shoulder jokingly.

We arrived at the library and I laid down in one of the booths, throwing my heavy backpack on the ground.

"Romanoff!!!" Clint yelled, earning glares from a few students as he ran up to us, dove into the booth next to Nat, and wrapped his arms around her. I grinned at my friends and laughed as Nat's face turned a deep shade of red.

"Hey, Clint nice to see you too," I said sarcastically. Clint either didn't hear me or chose to ignore me because instead of responding, he stared at Nat, listening intently as she recalled fun moments from her summer. I rolled my eyes and looked up, relieved to see that Sam was here.

Eventually, Clint and Nat stopped staring at each other long enough to have a normal conversation with Sam and me. We chatted, easily falling back into our old, friendly habits as we talked about the summer.

"I better get to homeroom," I announced to the group. They shouted their goodbyes and laughed as I dove over Sam headfirst to get out. I stood up, flattened my shirt, and saluted them, causing more laughter.

"Hey Capcicle," a voice called to me as I sat down in homeroom. I glared at the person to my right.

"Shut up Tony!" I said. Tony was nice enough, just extremely arrogant and a little annoying. Tony raised his hands in mock-surrender and turned to talk to Pepper.

"Welcome to your first day of senior year!" Mr. Coulson exclaimed after he had calmed the class down. He was met with a few sarcastic cheers but more prominently, many groans.

"Good to know you're all excited." A few people chuckled politely at his bad excuse for a joke. More laughed when he began to giggle at himself. "Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that we have two new kids this year, neither of them are in this class but their names are Wanda Maximoff and James Barnes. If you have any classes with them, please be friendly. Anyways, you are dismissed."

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