2 - Interesting

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Steve's POV

"See ya, Nat!" I exclaimed, waving goodbye to my friend as she clambered into her car and started it.

"You sure you don't need a ride home?" she called to me.

"No, I'm gonna work in the library for a bit." I waved to Natasha as she pulled out of the parking lot. I made sure she was out of sight before I turned around and marched down the street towards my house.

"STEVIE!!" Someone called to me as I neared the road that ran behind our school. I spun around and saw Bucky leaning against a tree. A huge cloud of smoke poured from his mouth. He gestured for me to approach him, and I reluctantly took a few steps forward. The smoke surrounding him caused me to start coughing so violently that my eyes began to water.

His eyes widened and he quickly dropped the cigarette and stomped it out with the heel of his boot. He ran up to me and dragged me away from the smoke, then backed up, clearly scared of harming me further. I waved at him to indicate that I was fine before reaching for my inhaler. I breathed the medicine in and felt almost instant relief.

"It's okay Bucky I'm fine. My dad used to smoke a lot and being around him so much gave me asthma so..." I trailed off and smiled weakly at him.

"Just can't have you dying on me Stevie," he responded. I glared at him again.

"Stevie's a chubby twelve-year-old. It's Steve!" I said, jamming my hands into my pockets and slowly walking towards him, kicking at the grass on my way.

"Too bad Stevie," he joked. I rolled my eyes and spun around, starting to walk back towards the street and in the direction of my house.

"Oh come on Stevie don't be mad. I didn't mean it," Bucky called after me, clearly trying to imitate a cheesy romance movie. I flipped him off and continued to storm away. "Where're you going, Stevie?"

"Home!" I shouted back, turning around briefly to talk to him before turning back. I heard heavy footsteps running up behind me. Someone grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

"You're walking?" he asked with a weird expression. It almost appeared to be concern. I nodded, turned back around, and tried to pull myself from his hold but he held onto my arm with an extremely strong, though not painful, grip.

"Lemme give you a ride," he offered.

"No, I got it. It's not that far away," I said.

"Come on I'm gonna drive you." He steered me away from the street and towards the parking lot. I rolled my eyes but allowed him to lead me. He brought me to a beat up pickup truck and climbed in the driver's seat. He stared at me and raised his eyebrow until I reluctantly clambered in.

"Put your address in," he said, shoving his phone in my hand while starting the car. I glanced nervously between Bucky and the phone, before quickly typing in an address.

"Thanks for the ride, Buck," I said. Bucky looked at me weirdly before shrugging and pulling out of his parking space.

"What?!" He smiled and shook his head, looking out of the windshield. "What!" I whined again.

"You just shortened that stupid nickname you gave me into a smaller nickname." I rolled my eyes while he chuckled at me.

"Buck you!" I exclaimed. Bucky pulled over on the side of the street, clutching his sides and gasping for breath as he laughed.

"Sorry but the name James sounds like the King of England or something," I said once he had calmed down.

"Who said I don't wanna sound like that, Steven?" He asked, smiling over at me before beginning to drive again.

Hershey Kisses and Cigarette Smoke (Stucky)Where stories live. Discover now