3 - Carpool

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I didn't feel like editing this. It's 2 am. I'm on my period. I'm sick. I'm fucking tired. This may be a cry for help... Help.

Tell me if there are any glaring plot holes already.

Bucky's POV

"Bye honey!" Misti called to me as I walked out of the house. I attempted to give her a friendly smile, but I'm pretty sure it came off much more forced than I intended it to.

"Bye," I grumbled. I trudged to my car and threw the backpack in the passenger seat, slamming the door shut.

I didn't really have a reason to be mad, I just was. Ever since... the accident... I was rarely happy. I'm usually not to be very friendly because of it. This tends to push people away.

Except for that stupid little punk, who seems to be annoyingly persistent.

Speak of the devil.

"Hey! Punk!" I called out to Steve. He looked up from the ground quickly and tore out his earbuds.

"Hey Buck!" he exclaimed. I grinned.

"Get in the car idiot." I gestured at him. He rolled his eyes and ran around the car launching himself into the passenger side.

"Why are you walking, Stevie, you have like another three miles to go," I scolded, smacking him lightly in the back of the head.

"It was nice out," he defended, glaring at me.

"Just lemme pick you up in in the morning," I offered.

"No, it's not that long of a walk," he protested.

"It's fine. And it's like four miles. That'll be torture in the winter." Steve's stared at the floor in front of him, eyes darting around the car as if he were attempting to think of a way out of the situation. "Hey, you okay? I don't need to pick you up if you really don't want me to." He shook his head and plastered on a fake grin.

"No seriously thank you, Buck. That would be great," I tried to flash him a genuine smile, but I think it came off more as concerned.

"MUSIC!" I yelled after a minute or so, throwing my phone in his direction. He anticipated the attack and easily blocked it with his hand.

"Why do you have to throw everything?" he mumbled with a huge grin on his face, picking the phone up off the floor.

We spent the rest of the ride scream-singing to Panic! at the Disco.

"I LOVE HER ANYWAY!" I yelled. Steve grinned at me and hopped out of the car. I clambered out after him. We had been parked since the beginning of the song, but of course, we couldn't leave until it was over.

"Ok see ya, Stevie," I exclaimed as he started to walk towards the school. He stopped and turned to face me.

"You wanna come hang out with me and some of my other friends? You could get to know some more people and-" He started. I interrupted him.

"I'm good. I'd rather... stay out here for a bit." I shrunk slightly, feeling awkward under his confused stare.

"Okay... bye." I unzipped my backpack the minute he turned towards the school and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

"I KNEW IT!" Steve yelled. He ran across the schoolyard and I tensed, waiting for something to hit my back.

Steve crashed into me, and I fell to the ground.

"Oh my god Buck I am so sorry." He jumped off of me and reached his hand down to help me up. I rolled over and cracked up, clutching my sides.

"Buck, you're bleeding." He dropped to his knees next to me, reached into his backpack, and pulled out a t-shirt. "I'm not used to being this big I forget I can hurt people like that." He pressed the shirt to my cheek. When he pulled it away, a bloodstain covered where it touched my face. I felt pain prickle my hand and knees, but I didn't care. This was just so goddamn funny to me for some reason.

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