i. a mistake

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It started the same as every other weekend. Julie was over and we were curled up on the couch laughing as we once again watched re runs of America's Funniest Home Videos. I played with her long blonde hair as she giggled watching a cat freak out falling into a fishbowl spraying water everywhere, even though I know she'd already seen it 3 times. After dating for 2 years you kind of fall into a routine and this was definitely one of ours, Friday night re runs.

I stopped what I was doing as I reached for my phone which was buzzing on the table.

"I'll be right back," I said lifting her off me so I could stand up.

She nodded smiling up at me as I leaned down to give her a quick kiss before I walked out of the room.

I walked into the kitchen and answered the my phone, "Hello?"

"LUUUUKKE." Michael's voice boomed through the receiver.

"What do you want," I chuckled shaking my head at him. He was drunk I could tell just like every Friday night. Even when your single you fall into routine and Michael's was partying.

"I want you to get your ass over to my house," his voice getting drowned out by the loud music and voices.

I knew he was going to say that, "No man, I already told you today Jules was going to be over."

"Yea and I already said bring her along." he stated.

"You know she won't be up for that it's not her kind of scene." I reminded him. Julie isn't a partier never has been. She has always been what you would call a 'good girl'. She always did her work was never late and hardly ever rebelled against anyone. I dragged her along to a party once and she didn't even have one drink before asking me if we could go home.

"Oh come on just ask her. Stop being so whipped and have a good time." he said.

"Fine fine but you can ask her because I know she'll say no." I told him walking back into the living room handing Julie the phone, "It's Michael, don't let him talk you into anything you don't want to do okay."

"Michael?" she spoke softly into the phone.

I could hear the low drone of his voice but couldn't make out what he was saying to her.

"Fine fine," she let out a light laugh, "did you want us to come now?"

She paused as he answered looking down at her nails. "Okay okay we'll be right over," she hung up and then stood up passing me my phone.

"I told you not to let him talk you into anything." I sighed looking down at her.

"He didn't,' she wrapped her arms around me placing her head on my chest, "I want to go. It'll be fun, and anyway I know Michael misses hanging out with you."

I kissed her forehead, "You're the best."

"I know." she shrugged walking away, "Can we just stop at my house so I can change? I don't think I'm dressed right for a party." She looked down at her loose t shirt and sweatpants laughing.

I agreed grabbing my keys and we headed out to the car.


I pulled over at the side of the road and we got out of the car. Julie took my keys and put them in her purse and I reached over grabbing her hand as we walked up the driveway. There was a big group of people sitting on the front lawn with beer cans and empty cups all around them, and by the sounds of it even more people inside. We walked up to the front door and I reached for the doorknob and Julie pulled me back.

"Luke what are you doing, you have to ring the doorbell. You can't just wak in that's rude!" She said with wide eyes.

I laughed and shook my head opening the door, "You really don't go to parties do you."

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