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At the moment I am also at finals week at my college for four of my classes.

I also only know a handful of the Welsh language so if there are a few misspellings and such, if you know welsh feel free to correct me.

I made this mostly on a whim so I'm sorry if it's not the best. When I post updates I will be also creating a playlist of songs that I listen to as I write. I'm fairly sure I will add the playlist on later, however, I'm not 100% sure.

Also, I'm very much a scatterbrain and I'm not always motivated to write, I will try to write chapters as much as I can, however, please don't hold it against me if it talks me a while to post a new chapter.

I plan to have Andreas romance Klaus as in my cover, however, I do love Elijah so at some point I'm sure I'll add a little something-something with the other brother.

Also as for Andreas's family, I will go to the face claims and add the family members as I go along introducing them. However, with how I have his family issue planned, they won't be involved much in the story.

When it comes to the Welsh language, I will italics the translated words next to the dialogue as for saying such as some curses I will italics the word and put it down at the end with the translation.

I hope those who read this will leave comments and tell me what you think is good or if you think something is wrong.  I have not ever written fanfiction and getting the right dialogue from the episodes is more difficult than I thought. So, please let me know.

I do not claim to own The Vampire Dairies Series, that belongs to the original writer and the t.v producers who made the series. I only own my characters.

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