Black Sheep

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Andreas sat in the passenger side of the vehicle, staring blankly out the lightly fogged window as soft tones of American pop music played. He wasn't paying attention to the driver as she was talking about the town and recent events, tuning in and out of the conversation as his distance family member Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes muffled voice slowly brought him out of his daze.

"Andreas... "The Sheriff began, "I know you don't want to be here but at least try to make the best of it, okay?"

Sheriff Forbes finished whilst she pulled into the driveway of her white townhouse. Andreas slowly got out of the car and stretched, hearing the pooping of his stiff joints. Hearing the second slam of a door, the brown-haired young adult turned to see the Sheriff pulling his suitcase out of the backseat. Andreas quickly walked over to the Sheriff and grabbed the suitcase from her hands.

"Don't worry, I can carry it," Andreas said as he lifted the suitcase up whilst the Sheriff smiled and closed the car door. Placing a hand on his mid-back, she led him to the front door of the house.

"I've enrolled you in the same high school as my daughter, Caroline and her friends. She's not here right now, but she should be here later, so you can meet her then..." The older woman said as she showed him to his room. "... I have to get back to work, I left my number and my daughters on the fridge, make yourself at home, okay?" She smiled and walked away.

Andreas placed his suit case at the end of his bed, running his fingers through his hair as he sat next to his suit case. Groaning whilst he then laid back on the bed covering his eyes with both arms muttering welsh curses under his breath.

Andreas thought through the past few months that lead up to him moving to the united states and staying with a family he didn't know. He was considered the "Black Sheep" of the Cadogan family in wales, Andreas wasn't much of a trouble maker, no, he was a black sheep because he didn't want to follow family traditions following witchcraft. He didn't really believe in it, so he saw no reason to practice such. He stilled loved his family, however, they were so set in stone regarding witchcraft, when he didn't conform to the ideals.

It became such a big issue that he was sent off and shunned from his loved ones. He understood that this was his family tradition, but it still hurt. There are only a handful of things that Andreas held near and dear to his heart, one of those things being his family. Now, however, he could not come home unless he fully embraced the traditions and ask for forgiveness but how can he follow something he doesn't believe in?

Andreas stayed in bed for about half an hour before he even thought about unpacking and "getting comfortable" sighing as he groggily sat up, rubbed his eyes, and stood up, walking over to his suitcase and began unpacking his clothing. That's all he had to his name, to be honest, the day the left his clothing was the only thing that was packed and sitting out on the porch with his ticked and enough money for a taxi to get to the airport.

He'd have to get a job if he wanted to get anything, Andreas didn't want to be more a burden then he already was at this point. When he was finished unpacking the moved his suitcase to the closet and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and grabbed the numbers left for him to put them in his phone. Was he typed in the numbers the door opened to a group of girls talking and laughing, Andreas looked up in time to hear a loud squeal like noise and to be pretty much tackled into a bone crushing hug by a girl with long blonde hair.

"Oh my gosh! You must be Andreas, I'm so excited to meet you. I'm Caroline and we're going to be best friends!" The blonde happily chatted whilst hugging the male. Andreas was clearly slightly uncomfortable causing an unknown female to call Caroline off of him.

"Caroline, the poor guy isn't used to your excitement don't break him." The beautifully darker female joked causing Caroline to mock pout and whine. "But Bonnie..." causing both her and Bonnie to chuckle as Caroline stepped away from Andreas as he released him from the hug.

Andreas lightly scratched the back of his head as he chuckled at the two's interaction.

"Helo..." He greeted smiling a bit.

"We should go to The Grill for lunch, you can meet some of our other friends." Caroline happily stated not giving Andreas much of a choice seeing as she grabbed his and Bonnie's arm and guided to her car. Andreas didn't really agree mostly because the look that Bonnie gave him pretty much said 'Just go with it'. The trio arrived at the grill a bit later in the day mostly because Caroline and Bonnie were pointing out spots in the town that were good to hang out and things of that nature, so they got to the restaurant at around one in the afternoon just under the lunch hour.

So, it wasn't as busy when they walked in and grabbed a corner booth. Caroline quickly waved over a tall blond male, Andreas soon learned his name was Matt. Andreas zoned out a bit during the clearly flirty conversation between Caroline and Matt only being brought out of it when Bonnie asked what he wanted to drink, noting that whatever Matt was asking didn't go noticed by the brown-haired male.

"Andreas, what do you want to drink." Bonnie asked with a slightly worried look on her face but one not too noticeable by Andreas himself.

"Hmm? Oh, tea is fine, thank you for asking." Andreas smiled slightly, not really noticing the looks from the other two.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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