Chapter 7

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"What if he just doesn't want to talk? What if he is so packed off in his new world that he doesn't even want to pretend I exist anymore?" Eric sighed.

"I highly doubt he has pushed your entire existence out of his mind" Finn argued.

"I'm so stupid, I shouldn't have texted him." Eric announced.

"I don't agree, I think it is a good thing that you texted him. It's not like this was never going to come to a head." Finn commented.

Eric sat down next to Finn on the couch and had a pained expression on his face.

"There must be a reason why he chose to leave me. I knew I was never enough for him. He was always too good for me. Cody was always smarter and more sociable than me, he had other things he wanted to do in his life. A lot of things he never wanted to do with me."

"You just need to push yourself in, there is no better way than to push your way in."

"Do you honestly think that he would even care to talk to me? He is the one who left me."

"Maybe he just needed some space...relationships can be tough on people."

"You're right Finn. I bet Cody is just staying in a hotel somewhere to take his mind off of things.  I know Cody.  Sometimes he just needs his alone time to recollect his thoughts.


The Next Morning

/at Sarah and Kas's penthouse/


"Oh my god."  Sarah exhaled deeply.

"Is it the headache?" Kas asked calmly.

"No.  It's Eric and he wants to talk to Cody."

"What!?" Cody came running up from the bathroom.

No one had checked their phones from the previous night, until Sarah noticed a familiar text on Cody's screen after a text from one of Cody's friends appeared on his screen.

"I don't know, I was in the kitchen and your phone lit up on the other side of the counter and all of a sudden underneath the text, Eric had messaged you last night." Sarah panicked.

"You've got to be kidding me...I can't tell him anything I've been doing.."

"What do you mean?"  Kas questioned as she looked at him suspiciously.

"I've been very busy since me and him broke up."

"In what ways?" Kas replied.

"In ways Eric would not like..last night situations.." Cody said quietly.

"You're not going to speak to him?" Sarah asked.

"I..I don't know if I can.." Cody mumbled.

"You have to, you two didn't even technically end things, you just went on a break."  Kas argued.

Cody went silent and blank, cold stare appeared on his face.  He finally realized all of the decisions he had made could break Eric down to the last thread of his red flared pants.

"Hello? Earth to Cody?"  Sarah teased.

"I can't break his heart..I don't want him to hate me.." whispered Cody as a tear pooled out of his eye.

"Calm down big boy, he loves you too much to ever hate you." Kas reassured.

"There is more to this than either of you know."  Cody admitted, causing questions and stern faces on both of the girls.

"I thought we were all honest with each other here."  Sarah spat.

"Yeah, what the hell Cody?" said Kas.

"I think it's time you get going."  Sarah firmly suggested.

"I-i'm sorry, I wish I could make you both understand why I can't tell you."  Cody murmured softly.

"Well maybe one day you'll realize we care about you and want to help you through things.  We can't help you if you don't tell us anything.  Until that day, you're gonna have to figure things out for yourself."  Kas blankly stated.

Sarah walked with quick feet to the door and opened it.  A stern look rested upon her face.

"I'd be on my way if I were you."

Cody astonished, picked up his phone and walked out the door at a slowed pace.  He could feel the angered eyes on him as he took each shame-filled step.  It was a shame he had never experienced from those he considered his best friends, not only was it shame but it also was disappointment.  He knew they only ever wanted the best for him, nothing less.  He knew they were always honest with him, and this time he didn't uphold the promise.  Cody now was alone, more alone than he had been in nearly four years.  He felt as if he had nothing left in the world.  That if he were to drift off the side of the highway, such a disaster would go unnoticed.

"Why do I continue to uproot the ground I've built for myself?"  Cody wept.

He didn't know what to do.  Only twenty four hours ago he felt as if his life was beginning flourish.  Now he knew he had fell to the bottom.

An hour later

Kas and Sarah decided to go to the local trendy cafe to try and figure things out.

"So you think he's been lying to us ever since him and Eric broke up?" asked Kas, trying to maintain a calm disposition.

"That's exactly what I think."  Sarah disclosed.

"What kind of friend does that?" Tiannah criticized.

Tiannah was a friend Kas and Sarah had met one night at a bar, they all immediately became friends.

"That's what we all want to know."  Kas scoffed.

"Do you think he is ever going to budge?  Or do you think we will never find out what he did when he broke up with Eric?" Sarah inquired.

"We will force him to tell us."  Kas insisted.


9 P.M

Cody decided that the best thing for him to do was to go back to the apartment him and Eric once called home.  He had no where else to go, and he frankly wanted nothing more than to be alone in complete silence.  As he walked in, he saw that everything was still in place from the day he left to go be with Darren.  The barstools at the counter were still neatly tucked in underneath the edge, the couch throw was still folded on the corner, and the empty bottle of Kombucha was still sitting on the counter in the same place.  No love existed here anymore.  The air seemed thin and the walls seemed blank.  It felt like a strange home, one that Cody had never been in before.  It felt as if no one had ever lived here, and that the home had never been given the gift of one single memory.  It was silent.  It was desolate. 

Cody made his way into the bedroom and looked around, his eyes filling with tears.  He walked back down to his car to get his bags he had previously packed from Darren's.

"Cody?" A familiar and faint voice announced from behind Cody's shoulder as he stood at the open trunk of his car.

Cody's eyes widened and his whole body went numb.  He knew that voice.  He knew that voice better than he knew his own.  He turned around to see pure pain displayed on the familiar person's face.

"Is that really you?"  The voice asked again.

"Yes.  It's me. Hello Eric."  Cody stammered as he trembled.

Eric ran forward and flung his arms around Cody.  Cody couldn't move, his arms were glued to his sides, his body was cold.

"Are you okay?" Eric questioned, showing extreme concern.  He had never seen Cody behave like this before.

"I- need to g-go."  Cody quickly closed the trunk and went to open the driver's door.

"No don't go I wanna talk to you." Eric begged.

"You shouldn't want to talk to me."  Cody concluded before he rushingly opened the car door and gets in, starting it.  He drove off and left, left Eric behind again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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