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General pov
Millie,Sadie,Maddie,And Lilia were walking down the hallway looking for trouble to start.Their group were the badasses of the school,Dressed in all black with all types of jewelry on.As they were walking to the lunch room,people clearing the hallway for them,going into the lunch room the furiously pushed the doors opened causing people to stare,as they walked to their normal table.

Millie's pov
I'm kinda used to all the attention but it does get annoying once in a while,I mean we are like the most known group out of the school aside from the person i 'hate' finn wolfhard along with his army Noah Schnapp,Caleb Mclaughlin,And Gaten Matarazzo.Noah is my step brother which makes everything 10x worse than it already was.

And you may ask why i 'hate' finn,well in 7th Grade me and finn were best friends until he left me for some other popular kids.That day i stayed in the Janitors closet and cried until a familiar red head opened the door,Sadie sink.Since then me and Sadie have been best friends since then,And in 8th Grade we found Maddie Ziegler and Lilia Buckingham.

In freshman year we gave each other makeovers like we were Mtv punks or something(Anyone get the reference😏).Back then we would get picked on and talked about,But now if they say a word about us we would kick their asses.

"Hey mills,wanna go to the mall later"Sadie asked me
"I gotta ask my mom first"I replied
me:hey,can i go to the mall with the girls later?
mom:yes hun,be back by 8 love u
me:love ya too
"She said yes"I said excitingly
"Great,I really need some new boots"Lilia said
"oof,I need more pants"Maddie said biting into her apple,and right after she said that the doors flew open with the most annoying boy group ever

"Well,Look what we have here"I said getting up with the girls following me
"Well would ya look at that,Sup brown"finn replied staring
"So wolfhard you gonna stare or get out of our way?"i said annoyed
"I'm just tryna get lunch"He said snapping out of his trance
"Well were just tryna get out of here"I replied and sadie walked up to caleb
"Hey moonlight,got any lunch money?"She asked
Caleb quickly went to his pocket and pulled out a $10 bill and i chuckled
"whatcha laughing at brown"Noah asked
"It's just,I've never seen him move so fast"I said still laughing and caleb walked up to me
"You've clearly never seen my stroke"He said smirking
"Get the fuck out of my way mclaughlin"I said pushing him out of the way as the girls followed me
"They can be total shitheads"I said rolling my eyes
"But their kinda cute"Maddie said
"They really are"Lilia and Sadie said
"Wait don't tell me you guys have a thing for them"I asked confused

"I mean Caleb is perfect for me"Sadie said daydreaming
"And Gaten is the cutest bean ever"Lilia said
"And noah"-Maddie started
"Wait u have a thing for my brother"I asked thinking of an idea
"How could u not like him?"Maddie asked softly
"Maybe i could talk to him later,do ya want me too?"I asked tryna help out a little
"are you sure?"She asked
"Yea i'll ask him when we get home"i replied
"But aren't the guys going to your place tonight?"She asked
"I hope not"I said pulling out my phone
"I'll ask Noah"I said and she nodded

me:are u and ur boy group😒 coming to our place?
me:ugh,i wanted the girls over
bro:you can,maybe we could go to the movies together
me:you know i don't like finn
bro:i don't care,i need to make a move with maddie
me:ugh ok fine,we're going to the mall later c ya

I returned back to the girls
"I guess were going to the movies with the boys"I said annoyed,and obviously the girls were fine with it,i just hoped i didn't sit next to finn
Hey,This story's gonna be ass so read at ur own risk.I'll update daily-Natalia

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