Finns pov I'm currently in the janitors closet making out with a girl named Amelia. "I think we should get to class "I stated, As she tried to push her tongue inside my mouth. "Since when are u in a rush on going to class"She asked "Since this started"I replied pushing her off and walking out of the closet "Ugh,finn wolfhard ur such a dick"She yelled
I'm kinda used to it by now,everyday a girl say it,especially millie bobby brown,as i'm walking i see her with her annoying girl group,so i walk over there thinking of something to cause trouble
"Sup,brown"i said "what the fuck do u want wolfhard?"she questioned getting annoyed all ready "just wanted to ruin ur day"i said standing in front of her "too bad,someone already did"i said tell the girls she'll catch up to them "may i ask who?"i asked curious "why do u wanna know?"she said,as she started to walk off "i don't know,maybe i can help u"i said walking after her "you can't idiot"she said "maybe i can"i said still not giving up "fine you really wanna know"she said stopping in the middle of the hallway "yes"i replied back faster than a person could say hi "me,sadie,maddie,and lilia have to go to the movies with u losers"i said "how is that bad?"i asked "you'll never know wolfhard"she said storming off as the bell rung ———————————————— *time skip* millie's pov we are currently at the food court,cause u know ya girl gotta eat "we should go to rue 21"lilia suggested we all agreed,so we finished our food and left to rue 21 "i really need more pants,millie can u help me?"maddie asked walking to the pants "sure mads"i said following her(sadie and lilia went to the crop tops) "i need to find something noah likes"she said going through the clothes "so basically,u guys just wanna look good for the boys?"i asked "yea,maybe u could find something for finn"she said smirking "maddie,u know me and finn don't like each other"i said folding my arms "why exactly aren't u and finn talking?"she asked "well i guess we've known each other long enough"i said,and told her everything that happened "millie thats awful"she said hugging me "well yea,let's go find u those pants"i said excitingly after we bought our clothes we meet up with sadie and lilia and went to my house. ———————————————— as we walked inside the house,we seen the boys on the couch watching television "u guys are already here?"i complained "yea brown we were waiting for u guys,u know u take year to shop"finn said "well ur still gonna have to wait,cause we need to change"i said following the girls to my room "yea,u guys look like shit"gaten murmured under his breathe "what was that toothless?"i asked turning around "nothing"he said quickly "it better have been,u should really stop talking,or i'll pound ur fucking face in"i said walking back up the stairs,and got some ooo's from the girls and boys ———————————————— the movies millie's outfit
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sadie's outfit
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maddie's outfit
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lilias outfit
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(sorry i like the aesthetic looks)
"just to let y'all know,were watching a scary movie"noah said "oof yes,i love scary movies"i shouted and everyone started laughing "that's ur girl wolfhard"lilia said,i felt me cheeks warm up,wait why and i blushing?i hate finn then i look over to finn and he's a dark red,why is he blushing?he can't like me after what he did.then i started to realize,me and finn were the last ones,which meant we had to sit next to each other,ugh my life (seating chart) caleb,sadie,lilia,gaten,noah,maddie,me,and finn
we are seeing the movie IT,i've never seen this movie the movie started,the theater got really dark.when bill gave georgie the boat,i'm pretty sure everyone in the theater my opinion letting georgie go outside by himself was the stupidest thing ever.when georgie lost the boat inside the sewer drain,pennywise came out and everyone georgie tried to get the boat back,pennywise bit georgie's are off,i didn't hesitate to grab someone's arm...
"u know it wasn't that scary right"he whispered "shh,i know i was just paranoid"i replied back "did u just wanna touch my arm?"he asked smirking "no,never"i said turning red "then let go"he said and i looked down and slightly took my arm off his,and looked back up to the movie "hey finn"i said looking over at him "yes brown?"he asked whispering "that kid kinda looks like u"i said squinting my eyes "yea,kinda"he said returning to the movie ———————————————— at home i was laying in bed right now,thinking about a person i shouldn't be thinking about...finn i was trying really hard to get him out of my head,but nothing seemed to work.just then i got 2 notifications gatenmatarazzo wants to follow u calebmclaughlin wants to follow u maybe they were good people after all,i accepted them with a smile,then my smile went down finnwolfhard wants to follow u i set my phone down and thought if i should accept it.maybe a good sleep would help,i thought closing my eyes ———————————————— wassup,i haven't posted in a long time.ill probably write another chapter tomorrow 🥵👋🏽